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Howdy Comrades!


Welcome to issue 85 of the Houston DSA Newsletter! Thank you for reading. I'm Emily Haussmann, Houston DSA's new Communications Secretary. I'd like to take a moment to thank outgoing Communications Secretary Stephen Adkinson  for the work he's put into the chapter through projects such as this newsletter.


As you can tell from the change in authorship, we had Steering Committee elections at last Thursday's general meeting and a new slate of leaders! More on that below.


The newsletter is a great way to stay updated on the things that our chapter does. Especially while we continue to avoid hosting in-person meetings, please share the subscription link!


Without further ado, here is issue 85 of the Houston DSA newsletter!




  • April General Meeting Summary- New Steering Committee
  • Reading Group: Teach-In on Prophetic City
  • Abolition Working Group Meeting
  • National Convention
  • Crystal Dávila Canvass Recap
  • Email Your Reps to Support Medicaid Expansion + Cannabis Legalization
  • Upcoming Events

April General Meeting Summary- New Steering Committee


At the last general meeting, we welcomed four new Steering Committee members while one changed roles. Our new members are:

Co-chair A: Will L.

Membership Secretary: Greg A.

Communications Secretary: Emily H.

Recording Secretary: Adam O.

Treasurer: Jeffrey A.


Henry M. will stay with us as Co-chair B and Dan D. as Internal Secretary. Big thanks to our outgoing SC members Jane, Stephen, Kyle, and Dave (filling the roles of Co-chair A, Communications Secretary, Treasurer, and Recording Secretary respectively).


The membership also discussed important topics such as the 2021 National Convention, the Crystal Dávila campaign for PISD, and updates on the City Charter Amendment. More on what you can do regarding those below.


Reading Group Teach-In: Prophetic City,

by Stephen Klineberg


Join the Houston DSA Political Education Working Group Wenesday, April 14 at 7pm for our biweekly Reading Group! We’re having a teach-in on Stephen Klineberg's Prophetic City.


In Prophetic City: Houston on the Cusp of a Changing America, Rice sociologist Stephen Klineberg uses the results of his 38-year survey of Houston residents to springboard onto a wider discussion of Houston and its evolution into an increasingly diverse yet unequal city. Through discussion of the survey results—showing, interestingly, public opinion that is often at odds with local and state government policy—alongside interviews with locals (mostly the educated elite), Klineberg argues, optimistically, that a focus on education will address issues of racism and inequality, and that public policy will eventually catch up to public opinion.


He’s committed to seeing Houston as a future “innovation” hub, where private interests and powerful institutions lead the way to a more democratic and equal future. Yet his deference to moneyed power as the agent of social change is concerning. His equivocation on climate change and the future of the oil and gas industry is notable, particularly since Houston and the Gulf Coast are among the areas that will suffer the most from extreme weather events worsened by climate change. Join us for a critical reading of Prophetic City, in which we use a class- and race-based analysis to challenge the underlying biases and conclusions in the book.


The Houston DSA Reading Group is open to members and non-members alike. We strive to be accessible to all attendees regardless of background knowledge or expertise. Notes and a presentation on the articles will be provided, so you can follow along even if you don’t finish. See you there!


Abolition Working Group Meeting


Join the Abolition Working Group’s monthly meeting to contribute to the Neighbors Against Spying campaign in Houston. The Working Group will discuss on-going campaigns, opportunities for political education or community outreach, and ways to get involved in the work through DSA or abolitionist partner organizations. This month, the group will be discussing a piece from Rampant Mag on the Black Abolitionist Network (link: https://rampantmag.com/2020/07/the-black-abolitionist-network/) as part of our Self-Education Series. This meeting is open to non-DSA members. 

DSA National Convention


The DSA National Convention, which happens every other year, is happening virtually August 1-8 this year. The National Convention is DSA's highest governing body, where resolutions are passed and the NPC is voted upon. You can find more information on the convention here.


Every chapter is apportioned a number of delegates based upon their membership size. Houston DSA will have space for 14 delegates and 3 alternatives. All members in good standing can run; nominations will be due May 8th and we will have a local election for delegates on May 13th. Delegates will need to attend pre-conference meetings.


If any of this sounds interesting and you have the capacity to be a delegate, send your nomination to nominations@houstondsa.org today!


Crystal Dávila Canvass


Last Saturday we canvassed for our endorsed candidate, Crystal Dávila, who is running for Pasadena ISD School Board Position 2. It was a great time for all, and just a small number of canvassers can really make a difference in an election like this.


We'll be having more canvasses every Saturday at noon in different locations. This week the canvass is at Crysty Park (900 Avenue H. South Houston, 77587). No experience is necessary; we will provide a canvassing training beforehand. Make sure to bring a mask and invite a friend!


State Bills -  Email Your Representatives


A group of comrades have been working to identify bills for DSA members across the state to support in the Texas Legislature this year. Our first two campaigns have launched and we need your support! Please take a few minutes to send and share the following letters:

First, encourage your state representatives to pass House Bill (HB) 171 and Senate Bill (SB) 118, which will expand Medicaid, allowing more than one million low-income Texans access healthcare.

Next, do the same for HB 447 and SB 269, which will legalize cannabis in Texas, thereby eliminating a tool of the carceral state and raising revenue for teacher pay.

Also, be on the lookout for future campaigns and volunteer opportunities, and reach out to Dan D. if you would like to join our statewide legislative and electoral organizing efforts!


Upcoming Events


Tuesday, April 13

7pm, Zoom Call; Link will be in Mattermost

Wednesday, April 14

7pm-8pm, Zoom Call; Link will be in Mattermost

Wednesday, April 14

7pm- 9pm, Zoom Call; RSVP for Link

Thursday, April 15

7pm, Zoom Call; RSVP forLink

Saturday, April 17

12pm, Crysty Park (900 Avenue H. South Houston, 77587)

Sunday, April 18


Signing Off


Thank you for reading this issue of the Houston DSA newsletter! Let's go out there and build a better world.


In solidarity,

Emily Haussmann, Houston DSA Communications Secretary


Paid for by Houston Democratic Socialists of America, Inc. (houstondsa.org) and not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.