Friend -
I want to make sure you saw the email below. Our nation was founded on an ideal of liberty and justice for all—and those elected to represent us must govern of, by, and for the people.
Our founding ideals are at stake. This is a historic and critical moment for our country. We have three co-equal branches of government to protect our extraordinary democracy. Now, Congress must act to ensure our laws apply to everyone. The disturbing and ever-expanding alleged abuses of power by President Trump deserve to be thoroughly and fairly investigated through an impeachment inquiry. (Read more in the email below.)
Quick signature: Add your name to our petition for a thorough and fair impeachment inquiry! *When you click, you’ll automatically sign on if we already have your information.
Impeachment is the legal process laid out in the U.S. Constitution that allows Congress to hold the executive branch accountable to the people. We need Congress to do their job deliberately, fairly, and expeditiously. Right now, it is important for us all to stand up—not just for us, not just for today, but for our future. Our children will inherit this country and we want them to live in a fair democracy where no one is above the law.
Sign your name! We demand the truth, and we demand elections that are free and fair. *When you click, you’ll automatically sign on if we already have your information.
Together we can protect our democracy.
- Felicia
P.S. We are mobilizing a massive get out the vote effort for 2020, to train volunteers and mobilize voters in under-represented communities through mom-to-mom postcards, phone banking, texting, voting parties, and more. Will you contribute whatever you can to help us get out the #MomsVote?
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Dear Friend,
This. This is not more of the same Trump twitter chaos. It’s tempting to tune out the regular barrage of shocking news coming from the White House these days. However, and this is a big however, this week’s revelations are something entirely different—and they have enormous gravity because they involve alleged abuse of America’s power for President Trump’s personal gain and they threaten the integrity and security of our elections.
This is not a drill.
*When you click, you’ll automatically sign on if we already have your information.
The President of the United States should be fighting foreign influences in our elections—not inviting them in. Shockingly the transcript and whistleblower complaint released this week seem to show that President Trump more than abused his power in conversations with Ukraine's president to try to pressure Ukraine to collect political dirt on presidential candidate, Joe Biden. [1,2]
America’s elections belong to America’s voters and no foreign government should play any role in determining the outcome—let alone be coerced by the President to do so! We must hold the President, and all leaders, accountable to the people.
This is a historically important moment to stand up not just for us, not just for today, but because the patterns we are setting now build the country our children will live in for future tomorrows—and we want our children to live in a fair democracy.
*Quick signature: Sign our open letter to Congress urging them to proceed with a thorough and fair impeachment inquiry. *When you click, you’ll automatically sign on if we already have your information.
Our letter reads:
Dear Members of Congress:
As one of over a million members of MomsRising, I am writing to urge you to proceed with a thorough and fair impeachment inquiry of President Donald Trump.
The blatant and horrifying alleged abuse of power by the President, who took an oath to “preserve, protect and defend’ our constitution must be investigated by Congress to determine whether President Trump invited—or attempted to coerce—a foreign government into influencing our elections.
America’s elections belong to America’s voters, and no foreign government should ever play any role in determining the outcome. We demand the truth, and we demand elections that are free and fair. President Trump—and anyone who was complicit in these alleged abuses of power—must be held accountable.
*Sign now: Tell Congress that no foreign government should ever play any role in determining the outcome of our elections! *When you click, you’ll automatically sign on if we already have your information.
We cannot be a government of the people, by the people, and for the people if our government is not elected by the American people, without foreign interference.
The whistleblower’s report alleges President Trump tried to use U.S. power and taxpayers’ money to coerce Ukraine’s president into interfering in our elections and, further, that his administration then tried to cover up these illegal, thuggish, self-serving actions. [3] These actions must be thoroughly investigated. We deserve a president who puts the country’s interests ahead of his own, rather than desecrating our democracy.
Take action! Tell Congress that President Trump—and anyone who was complicit in these alleged abuses of power—must be held accountable. *When you click, you’ll automatically sign on if we already have your information.
The more people who speak out, the bigger our impact. Please take a moment to forward our action link to your friends and family and share our action link on social media:
Together we can protect our democracy.
- Felicia, Donna, Kristin and the whole MomsRising / MamásConPoder team
[1] VOX, Read: the whistleblower complaint about Trump and Ukraine
[2] Washington Post, The full, rough transcript of Trump’s call with Ukraine’s president, annotated
[3] Washington Post, Whistleblower painstakingly gathered material and almost single-handedly set impeachment in motion
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