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World Resources Institute


A Higher Bar for Nature Based Carbon Credits 

Done right, company investments in Nature-Based Solutions could protect forests and slow climate change. Done wrong, they could undermine climate action and harm nature. Drawing on new WRI research, Andrew Steer, WRI’s outgoing president and CEO, and Craig Hanson, vice president for food, forest, water, and the ocean, write that such investments should only count as carbon credits if the company is doing all that it should to eliminate carbon emissions from its operations and value chains. Read More.

Workers tend to Melia volkensii seedings at a nursery in Kenya in 2017. The tree is prized for its drought tolerance. Corporate investments into Nature-Based Solutions including forestry efforts can advance climate action, if those companies responsibly pursue a net-zero reality in the rest of their work, too.
Wind farm in California, United States. The United States and other countries have an opportunity to put forward more ambitious climate policies at the Leaders Summit on Climate. Photo by Z22/Wikimedia Commons

Four Outcomes Needed to Make Biden’s Climate Summit a Success 

David Wascow, director of WRI’s International Climate Initiative, names four outcomes necessary for President Biden’s Leaders Summit on Climate later this month to be a success. Top of the list: U.S. commitments to cut emissions in half by 2030 and to boost international climate finance. Read More.


A Just Transition is Possible. New Resource Center Shows How 

The global shift to a green economy could create 18 million jobs by 2030, but those jobs won’t automatically benefit communities that could lose 6 million fossil fuel jobs by that same year. Our new Just Transition and Equitable Climate Action Resource Center profiles 31 initiatives that show the way to a just transition that benefits everybody. Read more.

Plastic waits for recycling at a landfill in the Philippines. Photo by Adam Cohn/Flickr.

New Legislative Guide to Reduce Plastic Pollution 

What to do about the tide of plastics polluting our land and waters? Governments around the world have found some success through bans, taxes and other initiatives. Yet there’s no global legal framework to align these efforts. Carole Excell, director of WRI’s Environmental Democracy Practice, has an answer: a new legislative guide to regulating single-use plastics published jointly by WRI and the UN Environmental Program (UNEP). Read more.



Using Forest-Water Connections to Accelerate Implementation of the NDCs
April 19, 2021
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM EDT | 5:00 - 6:00 PM GMT

Land Accelerator Latin America Demo Days
April 20, 2021 to April 21, 2021
11:00 AM - 1:00 PM EST | 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM CET