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Dear John,

At the command of his captor, Marvin the sea lion climbs onto the platform in front of him. From here he can see the crowds that line the edge of the ‘show arena’ at the zoo.

This is where, for almost every day of the year, he and the other sea lions held captive at the zoo are made to perform circus-style shows to the public.

The zookeeper throws a ball to Marvin. He knows that he must catch the ball on his face and balance it on his nose. The crowd loves it when he does this. This is what they have come to see. A wild animal performing tricks to entertain them.

John, this kind of public display could be lifted right out of a circus. But this is taking place at zoos around the UK.

Will you send an urgent donation to the campaign today, of £10 or more to end these cruel shows and end the tortuous captivity of animals like Marvin? 

We have exposed the industry with our undercover investigation. But now we must push to get rid of these degrading ‘shows’ completely. Animals are not performers for human entertainment!

In one show, a sea lion was made to catch hoops around their neck and repeatedly made to ‘clap’ their arms together like human hands. In another, sea lions are made to stand on their front flippers, leap out of the water to touch a hanging ball and swim like a shark.

Last year, wild animal circuses were banned from travelling and performing across England, Scotland and Wales. But yet, zoos across the UK are STILL making animals perform circus tricks to the paying public. There are 10 zoos across Scotland, England and Wales that have sea lion shows.

This is why you and I need to keep fighting, for as long as it takes, to give animals their freedom. You have so kindly taken action before to help animals exploited in captivity. Will you make a donation today to continue this fight?


The concrete world that a sea lion like Marvin is made to endure is nothing like the wilds of his natural home. His body and mind are built to survive and thrive in the vast waters of the Americas. Not in a small swimming pool in a UK zoo.

California sea lions are not endangered and in fact, are doing really well in the wild. It is clear, the only reason they are kept captive is to provide entertainment to the public.

Marvin has been captive for 20 years. Has he been made to perform the same show for crowds all that time? To be subjected to ‘training’ by his captors, to learn the fake and trivial behaviours they think will best entertain the crowds? What a tragic life for an animal who should be living free in the wild, to swim in his vast ocean home.

This has to stop!

As a nation that has decided that wild animals shouldn’t be degraded in circus shows, why are these zoo shows allowed to continue? No more! I am asking you today to please send a gift of £10 or more so that we can campaign to end the shows and fight for the freedom of all animals in zoos and aquariums.

For the animals,

Sam Threadgill
Freedom for Animals

P.S. Zoos are making animals perform in circus-style shows for crowds. Sea lions like Marvin are being made to balance balls on their faces, ‘clap’ their flippers, catch hoops and jump in the air. All to provide entertainment for paying crowds. Please help us end these cruel shows by making a donation of £10 or more today.

Your donation will be used on this campaign and others to end zoo cruelty and fight for animal freedom. Thank you.

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