They stood up to one of the biggest companies in the world and demanded better for themselves, their families and their future. Let’s hold corporations accountable so this doesn’t happen again.
Stand with Bessemer Amazon Workers. AFL-CIO.

Hi John,


Amazon workers in Bessemer, Alabama, made history. They organized, fought for a voice in their workplace and elevated unions to the national stage. That is a win.


Their fight showed that people support unions across the country and across party lines. More than three-fourths of Americans supported their organizing drive. That is a win.


We won’t lie, this isn’t the outcome we wanted. But we know that our future fights will build on the courage of these workers and the RWDSU-UFCW.


And let’s be clear: Amazon union-busted. Amazon blatantly intimidated and threatened workers without facing consequences.


Every week, we heard appalling stories of Amazon’s tactics. Here’s a noncomprehensive list of the company’s union-busting tactics, with a fuller list here:

  • Posted anti-union flyers and banners throughout the facility—even in bathroom stalls.
  • Required weekly meetings to show anti-union propaganda.
  • Shamed and documented any worker who spoke up or countered propaganda.
  • Implied it wouldn’t bargain in good faith.
  • Tried to force an in-person election during a pandemic.

If you think this shouldn’t be allowed: You’re right.


If you think Amazon shouldn’t be able to threaten people to stop a union drive: You’re right.


If you think we need to make sure corporations can’t do this again: You’re right.


If you’re angry that Amazon did this without facing consequences, we have an action for you.


Under the Protecting the Right to Organize (PRO) Act, Amazon wouldn’t have been able to do this. Call your senators and tell them to vote YES on the PRO Act.

The PRO Act passed in the House with bipartisan support. President Biden has urged Congress to send it to his desk. Before that can happen, we have to pass it through the Senate.


The PRO Act would change the power dynamics in America for generations. Working people would be protected when we try to organize and corporations would be held accountable for union-busting.


Let’s channel this momentum into action. Call your senators and tell them to vote YES on the PRO Act to make sure what happened at Amazon never happens again.


Thank you for paving the way, Bessemer.


In Solidarity,




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