Good afternoon friend,


The pressure is on in Parliament. Because of your support, doors of opportunity are unlocking that would have seemed impossible even a year ago. Today, I’m writing to you with an opportunity to push one very important door wide open. 


At our next All Party Parliamentary Group meeting on 27 April at 5pm, Secretary of State for Health, Matt Hancock, will be speaking to cross-party MPs and Peers about the current law on assisted dying.


This is the first time a serving Cabinet Minister will be not just in attendance, but speaking to a parliamentary meeting on assisted dying - an enormous win for the campaign. It is crucial that your MP is there. 


In this meeting, Matt Hancock will speak in conversation with our All Party Parliamentary Group co-chairs, Karin Smyth MP and Andrew Mitchell MP, discussing assisted dying in the current political landscape. 

MPs and peers will also hear from someone with personal experience of a dying loved one being forced to take their own life as a result of the blanket ban on assisted dying, and the heartbreaking consequences of the current law.


Getting as many MPs to attend this meeting as possible will demonstrate to the Secretary of State the depth of feeling on this issue - both among MPs and their constituents. It will also show MPs that concerns about the current law are being heard at the upper echelons of Government. 


Matt Hancock has said the Government would gather evidence on the number of dying people ending their lives at home if this would help to inform the debate. By inviting your MP, you can help to show them that not only is there appetite for this evidence to be collected, there is an urgent need for a new law that protects dying people and their families by providing genuine end-of-life choice. 

We must not waste this opportunity. Please, invite your MP today so that they know how urgently the law needs to change. 


Many thanks in advance, 


Sarah Wootton

Chief Executive

Dignity in Dying


P.S. Matt Hancock speaking at this Dignity in Dying event is a huge win for the campaign and it's vital your MP attends. Please, invite your MP today. 


Our campaign is powered by members - people who support us with a small regular gift so we can plan out the most effective actions to bring about an assisted dying law. Sign up and join thousands of other Dignity in Dying members across the country, from just £2 a month:


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