In February, a federal judge in Seattle granted my motion to halt the sale of our local National Archives building — and now, after a year-long battle, the federal government has officially withdrawn its plan to sell the building and move our local records a thousand miles away.
This is a major win. I am proud that as a result of our coalition with tribes and community organizations, these invaluable, original historical records of our region will remain in the Northwest.
Add your name if you agree that we must continue to protect the DNA of our state and preserve historical material for future generations.
This building holds a special place for my family. My late father, Murray Ferguson, was a frequent visitor and sometimes took his seven children there. He helped inspire my efforts to maintain this important resource for our community.

From my own family archives
Few thought our lawsuit would succeed, but we knew the federal government acted unlawfully when they attempted to sell this facility with no process or public input. We gathered declarations from 79 individuals and organizations and proved our case.
Our goal was to protect the Archives — and I’m happy to report that we succeeded.
Thank you,