Dear Friend,

This week, the campaign finance reports for the first quarter will be released to the public. Thanks to your support, our campaign will announce that we have received 531 individual contributions for a sum of over $90,000 during the first quarter of 2021, an average cash contribution of $170. 
Over 93% of our contributions came from Alexandria residents. I'm honored to have the support of our residents to continue the progress of the past 2+ years.
Our campaign reported over $90,000 on hand at the conclusion of the filing period, which puts us in an excellent position for the sprint to June 8th!

However, I need your help today as we continue our work.

There are a few ways you can help our campaign today:

  1. We knocked on over 700 doors last weekend, in the Charles Barrett and Lyles-Crouch precincts. We will be back knocking on doors throughout the City this weekend. If you would like to volunteer on the campaign, please sign up here and our team will be in touch shortly. 
  2. We have delivered well over 200 yard signs around our City. We are happy to deliver to your home or business. Just fill out this quick form on my website or reply to this e-mail with your address.
  3. We have just started the new reporting period. Please consider making a contribution to support my efforts to serve Alexandria.
  4. Early voting begins in 10 days! You can apply today to receive a ballot by mail. You can also vote in person at 132 N. Royal Street beginning on April 23rd. Mark your calendar!

Let me know your ideas.

I am thankful for your support,


Paid for and Authorized by Wilson For Mayor