CCL’s Catholic Action Team invites you to our very first virtual CCL Catholic Conference! The sixth anniversary of the release of Pope Francis’ encyclical letter “Laudato Si’ On Care for our Common Home” inspired us to hold our conference, entitled Call to Action to Care for Our Common Home on May 15th, 2021.
Who should join us: Everyone! Especially CCL volunteers with Catholic members of Congress! We made it easy for you to find out if your member of Congress is Catholic.
When: May 15th, 2021 from 12 pm - 4 pm Eastern time.
Why: To explore the tools you’ll need to effectively reach Catholics and activate the Catholic voice to Care for Creation and promote the EICDA.
Where: On Zoom. Once you register, we’ll send you the link to join close to the date of the conference.
Schedule: You can view the conference schedule here.
We have inspiring speakers lined up for the event!
- Bishop John Stowe from the Diocese of Lexington will be speaking with us live
- We’ll hear from Bishop Robert McElroy from the Diocese of San Diego.
- Jose Aguto from Catholic Climate Covenant will be a keynote speaker
- We’re working on getting at least one member of Congress to speak about how their faith plays a role in their decision making in Congress.
- We'll also celebrate Pope Francis’ encyclical letter together.
We also have informative breakout sessions to help you connect with Catholics in your Congressional District and gain grasstop endorsements to show your Catholic MOC’s that Catholics in their districts want them to support the Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act!
Catholics are a large demographic in Congress. About 30% of Congress, as well as President Biden, self identifies as Catholic. Our chance of passing fee and dividend legislation has never been better! We hope that connecting with Catholic members of Congress through their faith will seal the deal.
Join us! Click here to register!
Jon Clark Appalachia Regional Coordinator [email protected]