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Tuesday, April 13th, 2021

Global Taxes – Global Stagnation

Ron Paul, MD

Decision Tree: Covid-19 Corona Virus

Bill Sardi

One Way You Don’t Want To ‘Grow Up’

Allan Stevo

Facing The Facts of War With Russia

The Biden administration appears willing to get us into a fight we’re not ready for. Douglas Macgregor

A Hundred Days of Joe

James Howard Kunstler

Blinken’s Winking and Nodding to the Neocons

Wayne Madsen

Socialism: a Youthful Passion, a National Problem

Carl F. Horowitz

Putin & Xi Have Red Lines, Too

Patrick J. Buchanan

Did Electromagnetic Phenomena Trigger the Plague That Killed Up to 80 Percent of the Earth’s Inhabitants?

Robert W. Felix

Epidemics Are Staged on Television

Network: the last great film about The News. Jon Rappoport

Pentagon Campaign To Recruit Vietnam as Military Ally Against China Exposed Delusions of US War Strategy

Gareth Porter

Harry and Meghan Can’t Hold a Candle to Prince Philip

Julie Burchill

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