Good evening,
Here's our AIA weekly update for April 12, 2021...
🗒️ Anti-Semites Should Not Define Anti-Semitism
What bothers these indignant individuals? Possibly the section of the IHRA definition that suggests that “Applying double standards by requiring of [Israel] a behavior not expected or demanded of any other democratic nation” is anti-Semitic.
Click here to read more
🗒️ A Race to the Bottom in Language Standards
When the prescient George Orwell observed that “There is no swifter route to the corruption of thought than through the corruption of language” he may not have been anticipating what is taking place with educators who have allowed their obsession with racial justice to influence how they maintain standards in their teaching methods and pedagogy.
Click here to read more
Have a wonderful week!
-- The AIA Team
Accuracy in Academia PO Box 5647 Derwood, MD 20855-0647 United States |