The Boston Globe called New Hampshire Senator Maggie Hassan the “most vulnerable Democrat” up for reelection in 2022. And the latest polls find Maggie trailing her likely Republican opponent in a head-to-head contest.
If we lose Maggie’s seat next year, Democrats lose our Senate majority—and Mitch McConnell retakes control.
Today, we’re going to ask you to rush a contribution to Maggie’s re-election campaign. But before we do—here are the FOUR THINGS you need to know about Senator Maggie Hassan:
1) In 2016, Maggie won her race by just 1,017 votes. It was the closest Senate election that year, and it could be just as tight this time around.

2) Maggie is only the second woman to serve as governor and senator. Her colleague from New Hampshire, Jeanne Shaheen, was first.

3) Maggie has long been a champion of the LGBTQIA community. As governor, she signed an executive order banning discrimination against transgender people in state government.
4) Maggie’s son Ben experiences cerebral palsy, and Maggie has spent her career dedicated to fighting for disability rights and healthcare access for all families.

Democrats control the Senate by a single vote. If we lose Maggie’s seat, we lose our majority, and Mitch McConnell retakes control.
We can’t let that happen: Please, rush a donation to re-elect Senator Maggie Hassan and save our Senate majority. Maggie needs our help NOW to build a winning campaign.
Thanks for all you do.
-Team Gillibrand