Respect us, protect us – count us.

Dear John,


So many of the 140 million who experience poverty or are one emergency away from poverty are left out by the current poverty measure. We refuse to remain uncounted and invisible. Join us today at 3pm ET/ 12pm PT as we confront the dominant narrative on poverty and demand an updated poverty measure.


*This online event will be ASL interpreted and open captioned*


We must develop an accurate measure of poverty in order to create an infrastructure bill and other policies to truly transform this country. When we lift from the bottom, everybody rises. Join us.


Forward together, not one step back!

Rev. Dr. William Barber and Rev. Dr. Liz Theoharis

Co-Chairs, Poor People’s Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival


P.S.: Whether or not you can tune in, you can tell congress that we need an updated poverty measure, infrastructure that includes everyone and an end to the filibuster.