Charles Booker is the one candidate in Kentucky who could defeat Republican Senator Rand Paul in 2022.
Today, he announced an exploratory committee to test the enthusiasm from people like us.
Two of his cousins were killed by police, and Charles is a local hero fighting systemic racism.
As a father of two kids, Booker wants a "Kentucky Green New Deal" to stop climate change and create jobs.
As a diabetic, he wants expanded health care. And as a Kentucky legislator, he fought for economic opportunity -- and is willing to call out those who hurt workers. He deserves our support.
DC politicians handpicked a moderate Democrat to run against Mitch McConnell in 2020. McConnell crushed them by 20 points.
Charles Booker entered that primary late. He SURGED. The Lexington paper wrote: "Charles Booker is the only one generating real excitement among young people and old...He would move the state in the direction that Kentucky needs."
It happened too late. Charles WON the votes cast on Election Day, but too many votes were already banked for his opponent early and he fell short. McConnell was thrilled.
Today, Booker is the first potential candidate running. He called out Rand Paul for blocking an anti-lynching bill (in 2020, not 1960) and obstructing Democratic progress on issue after issue. Booker said:
They say change isn’t possible in a place like Kentucky. Well, we already proved them wrong. We showed them what’s possible in Kentucky. In 2022, we can shock the world. That’s why I’m exploring a run for U.S. Senate.
The support he receives in this exploratory period will be critical in determining whether he takes the plunge -- so let's lift him up together!
Charles Booker already built exactly the kind of movement needed to take on Rand Paul. Let's make history and win this seat!
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-- The PCCC Team (@BoldProgressive)

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