
The American people elected Democrats to provide economic relief to millions in need and pass a progressive agenda that lifts up everyone.

That’s why Democrats unilaterally passed the $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan to send $1,400 checks to struggling families, extend unemployment benefits, and cut child poverty in half.

Next up is passing a revolutionary infrastructure plan that revitalizes our crumbling infrastructure and strengthens our struggling economy.

Democrats’ infrastructure plan includes significant funding to:

  • Repair our deteriorating bridges, highways, roads
  • Expand high-speed broadband access for all Americans
  • Improve power lines, replace lead pipes, and support clean energy initiatives

Will you add your name to support an ambitious plan that fixes our broken infrastructure and delivers meaningful results for the American people?

add your name

Republican Senators have already started their usual line of attacks — even going as far as coming out against greater investments in elder care for our seniors.

We have to be prepared for whatever the GOP is plotting to block our efforts, and we need Democrats like you to help power our work.

It’s a huge undertaking, but this is our chance to get it done and build a brighter future for everyone.

We need grassroots supporters like you to help get the job done. Please add your name to support an infrastructure package that delivers for all Americans.

add your name

Thank you so much for your support. Let’s do this.

Defend the Senate