Ramadan 2021 will be a very different experience for us all. The MCB's #SafeRamadan 2021 pack advises ways in which Muslims across the UK can make the most of Ramadan this year both socially and spiritually.
Zara Mohammed, MCB Secretary General said: "This year’s Ramadan for British Muslims will be an important one. As we take these tentative steps out of lockdown, it’s important we continue to follow the advice to keep safe this Ramadan, as we look forward with hope, determination and faith." Click here for full press release
Fasting & Vaccination - Reminder that getting vaccinated doesn't invalidate your fast according to the majority of scholars
Template sermon (Khutbah) - for Imams, focusing on key public health messages, as well as charity, helping our neighbours and strengthening ties with family.
After a year since the outset of the pandemic, as our attention increasingly moves from COVID19 'response' to COVID19 'recovery', the MCB's response will also be adapting.
Community volunteers and professionals are sought to support a number of COVID19 Recovery Groups focusing on three main work streams going forth:
Health - Medical and Mental Health
Community - Mosques, Youth and Disabilities
Economic - Economic & Financial Impact
To get involved, please email [email protected] or look out for more information on MCB social media!
The MCB's latest COVID19 guidance for Muslim communities is regularly updated at:
A range of public engagements were attended by MCB Office Bearers this month, see below for snapshot:
4 March - Zara Mohammed, Secretary General, gave oral evidence at Women & Equalities Select Committee's inquiry on COVID-19 Vaccination take-up. To view more MCB responses to public consultations, click here. 6 March - East London Mosque International Women's Day event hosted Zara Mohammed 7 March - UKIM International Women's Day event hosted Zara Mohammed 8 March - MCB International Women's Day 'inspiring young girls to lead' for girls aged 11-17 years old with Zara Mohammed 9 March - Ernest & Young Muslim Network 'Empowered Muslim Women' hosted Zara Mohammed 13 March - National Council online session 16 March - School21 session with 15-16 years olds hosted Zara Mohammed 18 March - Focus groups on counter-terrorism policy as part of the National Listening Exercise with National Council members and Affiliates 25 March - Barclays Muslim Forum, International Women's Day hosted Zara Mohammed
26 March - My Leadership Journey session with Aziz Foundation hosted Zara Mohammed 26 March - Guest speaker at Minhaj Al Quran Graduation Ceremony hosted Zara Mohammed 27 March - Muslim Association of Nigeria fundraising event hosted Zara Mohammed 27 March - Affiliate listening webinars on 27 & 30 March 30 March - Rashidat Hassan, Assistant Secretary General, spoke at The Big Conversation: Vaccine Roll Outwith experts from the NHS and Public Health England 7 April - Wajid Akhter, Assistant Secretary General, spoke at Emerald Network's Ramadan 2021 Mind, Body and Soul Wellness event 8 April - International Young Muslim Women Summit hosted Zara Mohammed 11 April - Wajid Akhter, Assistant Secretary General, hosted a panel of speakers at the Ramadan 2021 with a Difference webinar
Recent Statements & Campaigns
In the last month a number of MCB statements were issued, including:
On Batley and Religious Education, a task force team has been set-up to better connect with key stakeholders in the education and RE space on this and related issues. To find out more or get involved, please email [email protected]
The Duke of Edinburgh Condolences
Following the announcement of the passing of the Duke of Edinburgh on 9 April, Zara Mohammed, MCB Secretary General, said:
“The MCB joins the nation in offering our deepest condolences to Her Majesty The Queen & the Royal Family on the passing of the Duke of Edinburgh. Prince Philip dedicated nearly seven decades to public service. His passing will be felt by the many generations of people who benefitted from his charitable efforts and his service will be remembered by the nation.” Read more here.
Uighurs - Letter to Foreign Secretary
Following the voting down of the Genocide Amendment to the UK Trade Bill in the House of Commons, and announcement of sanctions against select Chinese officials, the MCB has written to Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab.
The letter calls for the Government to continue a policy of sustained action in tackling the human rights abuses against Uighur Muslims. See the letter here.
Also see the MCB's submission to the Foreign Affairs Select Committee here and recent parliamentary briefing sent to MPs and Lords on the Genocide Amendment here.
Protect UK Aid Budget
The Muslim Charities Forum has coordinated a joint letter supported by the MCB, raising concerns on the Chancellor's recent announcements on cutting the UK Aid budget for international development from 0.7% to 0.5% of the Gross National Income (GNI).
"‘Real leadership is tested by its commitments and care for the weak, the voiceless and those in need, Global Britain cannot be realised by ignoring the suffering of vulnerable communities and challenges of fragile states, our leadership role is at stake when we comprise in our commitments to international development’, said Zara Mohammed, MCB Secretary General. Click here to read full MCF joint statement.
23 March - National Day of Reflection
Since the outset of COVID-19, millions of Britons have losted loved ones.
On the 23rd of March, the first anniversary of UK lockdown, the MCB joined in observing Marie Curie's National #DayOfReflection, partakingof a minute's silence to reflect upon our collective loss, support those who’ve been bereaved, and look forward to a brighter future. Read more on religious leaders supporting the day of reflection here.
#GiveTheWorldAShot Campaign
With more than a third of the UK population already vaccinated, now is the time to help communities in low- and middle-income countries around the world with the same free access to the vaccine.
The MCB are proud official champions of UNICEF UK and Crowdfunder’s nationwide appeal to support the biggest vaccine drive in history to fund and deliver COVID19 vaccines around the world. Support the campaign by donating at: vaccinaid.org
MCB in the Media this Month
The House Magazine: We must encourage the aspirations of Muslim women and girls whilst targeting the Islamophobic narratives that seek to undermine them - Zara Mohammed, Secretary General
The Guardian:'I've grown tenfold': Zara Mohammed on her whirlwind start as MCB Secretary-General
The Telegraph: Zoom Revolution - "The flexibility that the pandemic has made us all come to expect must spur us to create new habits and norms for our community institutions rather than merely seek to re-establish the old habits unquestioningly". Zara Mohammed, Secretary General
Sky News: COVID-19: Misinformation wars on WhatsApp sees faith groups take on fake news, lead the fight against vaccine misinformation.
iNews:Race report ‘serves interests of people who want to deny racism problem’, says Muslim Council of Britain
The Guardian: A spokesperson for the Muslim Council of Britain said: “Islamophobia has been defined by the all-party parliamentary group on Islamophobia and has been endorsed across civil society and by most political parties except the Conservatives. It is a glaring omission from our governing party who should be leading the fight against all forms of bigotry."
Middle East Eye: 'An industry in denial': How the UK media promotes Islamophobia - writes Faisal Hanif, Media Monitoring Analyst MCB Centre for Media Monitoring
The National: "They absolutely have to take the issue seriously and commission a real report that is actually going to look at institutional racism and inequality." Zara Mohammed, Secretary General speaking on the Sewell Report
The Telegraph & The Guardian: On condolences on passing of The Duke of Edinburgh, Zara Mohammed said Philip’s death “will be felt by the many generations of people who benefited from his charitable efforts and his service will be remembered by the nation”.
Express & Star: “My message would be to keep in mind and pray for those who are still going to have a quite difficult Ramadan because they are not going to be around their loved ones", Zara Mohammed
The Independent - On the eve of Ramadan, MCB Secretary General Zara Mohammed shares reflections on Ramadan, vacccination roll-out and post-COVID recovery in The Independent opinion column.
Ramadan 2021: Making a Difference
Can you make a difference this Ramadan?
The MCB's Centre for Media Monitoring and Visit My Mosque projects are both Zakat eligible, delivering transformative change in service of Muslim communities and wider society.
This Ramadan, you can make a difference by donating your Zakat with the MCB. Click here to donate.
6 May Local Elections - Muslims Vote!
Local Government & Mayoral elections are taking place in England on Thursday 6th May, and the deadline to register to vote is Monday 19th April.
Scottish and Welsh (Senedd) Parliamentary Elections are also taking place
Muslims Vote! - The MCB will be shortly be releasing policy pledges for mayoral candidates and supporting affiliates with organising hustings and getting community members involved.
To get your organisation involved in hustings or for further support, get in touch today at [email protected]
Community News
Islamic Relief Eco-Ramadan Challenge
As part of its Eco Ramadan campaign, Islamic Relief UK have launched Eco section of its virtual mosque. This section will include tips and tricks on how to have an environmentally conscious Ramadan as well as recipes and kids resources.Click here for full details on 11-ways to have an Eco-Ramadan including a #MeatFreeFortnight challenge!
Over 100 boys attend 5-a-side West London football tournament
West London mosques including West London Islamic Centre and Hounslow Muslim Centre delivered an outdoor 5-a-side boys football tournament on 3rd April involving almost 100 young Muslim players from 14 teams across West London. The event was long anticipated for many young people who have suffered isolation and lack of exercise / social contact throughout this latest lockdown, following the lift on restrictions for outdoor team sports post 29 March. Further tournaments for young people are planned. For more info: unlockfootball.eventbrite.co.uk
York Mosque - Recruiting new Imam
York Mosque & Islamic Centre are currently seeking a full-time dynamic, enthusiastic and charismatic Imam to provide Islamic religious guidance, practices, and leadership to the Muslim community in York. Deadline to apply: 16th May 2021. Click here for full job description (PDF).