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Biden’s Bridges to Nowhere

Recently, President Biden rolled out his American Jobs Plan, also known as his infrastructure plan.  However, there was one glaring thing missing: infrastructure.  Instead, he focused on policies that allow the federal government to encroach on our lives, depress the economy, and make the job-creators pay for it.
Historically, investing in infrastructure has been a bipartisan initiative.  In 1956, President Dwight D. Eisenhower signed the Federal Highway Act, one of the first of these bills.  It created our nation’s interstate as we know it today.  Congress has since then appropriated money toward the maintenance of these roads and bridges along the way. Now, we are seeing Democrats becoming more and more gluttonous with the federal spending, only spending it on their far-left agenda.  The results will be devastating.
FreedomWorks’s Director of Policy, Sarah Anderson, joins the Engage with Eagle Forum podcast this week to talk about the so-called infrastructure policies that the Biden administration wants to move forward. She takes a deep dive into the trillions of dollars that will encroach on our children’s education, limit job growth through climate change policies, and leave Americans with the bill. 
Listen to “Biden’s Anti-Jobs Plan” on our website and Apple Podcasts. Please also consider leaving a rating and review. To further Engage, follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

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Biden recently rolled out his infrastructure plan that hardly has anything to do with infrastructure. Instead, it pushes a far-left agenda that pushes the Green New Deal, encroaches on education, and makes job-creators pay for it. FreedomWorks's Sarah Anderson joins Engage this week to explain the impending harmful effects of the American Jobs Plan.
From your house, to the state house, to the White House, this is Engage with Eagle Forum! 
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