A message from City Council Deputy Leader, Cllr Sally Longford:
Today is the next key milestone on the Government?s roadmap out of lockdown, and it?s wonderful to see many city businesses reopening and customers returning to them. Many non-essential shops, hairdressers, barbers, beauticians and outdoor hospitality venues have reopened their doors for the first time in many months, and I look forward to resuming my custom with my regular outlets.
It has been a long, difficult period for many of our local businesses, as well as local residents who have complied with the tough but necessary restrictions. The City Council has been providing support to businesses and residents throughout the pandemic and will continue to do so. While the easing of restrictions is undoubtedly very welcome, we must make sure it is done in ways that don?t run the risk of increasing the spread of Covid. I?m pleased to see that people certainly appeared to be behaving responsibly today in a busier city centre than we?ve become used to.
We have granted licences to allow hospitality businesses to offer more space to serve people safely ? and all businesses serving the public will have measures in place to reduce risk. We need all customers to comply with these and continue to follow the hands, face, space and fresh air guidance to keep themselves and others safe.
The council is also pleased to be reopening many of its services from today ? libraries, leisure centres, markets and community centres, as well as outdoor gyms, pitches and courts in our parks and shops at our heritage sites, are all available once again from today, again with safety measures in place.
Protect your loved ones ? take a regular Covid test
While we welcome the news that services and businesses in Nottingham can start to reopen, we all must remain cautious and take steps to ensure we protect ourselves and those around us.
Around one in three people with Covid-19 don?t have any symptoms, but can still pass it on. This is why it?s so important that everyone takes a regular Covid test, even if they don?t have any symptoms, to stop the spread of infection. ?This will allow us all to move forward and safely ease even further out of lockdown.
It?s never been easier to access a Covid test ? people can visit a local community testing site to take a supervised test, or like I have done, pick up boxes of test kits to use at home from a site or a local pharmacy signed up to the service. There are many options available, please visit www.nottinghamcity.gov.uk/asymptomatictesting to find out more. It?s free, quick and easy, and will help keep us all safe.
Using public transport safely
As restrictions start to lift, it?s likely there will be more people travelling. While we?re encouraging people to walk or cycle shorter journeys if they can, we know for longer journeys public transport is essential for some of our residents and commuters.
We?re proud of our fantastic local public transport operators, who have worked non-stop throughout the pandemic to keep people safe while providing an essential service to keep people moving on their essential journeys.
They will continue to do so as the city starts to reopen. All operators are carrying out extra cleaning, and full services are running on both bus and tram, giving plenty of options to travel during less busy times.
Most people are following the safer travel guidance and we thank you all for that. Just as a reminder, if you need to travel by public transport, help keep each other safe by wearing your face covering, keeping your distance, and washing or sanitising your hands before and after your journey. You can also pay by a contactless method, such as the Robin Hood Card.
Ramadan begins this week
We wish Ramadan Mubarak, ?Blessed Ramadan,? to everyone who is observing Ramadan in our local communities. Remember, getting your vaccination does not break your fast.
Happy Vaisakhi
Also a very happy Vaisakhi to everyone celebrating in the city ? wishing you and your family a fun-filled Vaisakhi and a happy new year ahead.
Applying to vote by post
If you would like to vote by post in May?s Police and Crime Commissioner election, remember to return your postal vote application 5pm on Tuesday 20 April.
Things to do in the Easter holidays
Please click?here?for some of the answers to questions we?ve been asked about what you should do, and what we are doing, to respond to Coronavirus.