APRIL 2021
Foundation for Child Development: Foundation News

Announcing Our 2021 Promising Scholars

The Foundation for Child Development is proud to announce the 2021 Promising Scholars. Promising Scholars were Young Scholars Program applicants who demonstrated exceptional potential to conduct rigorous, high-quality implementation research focused on the early care and education workforce. Our Promising Scholars will receive resources and supports for one year to assist in further refining their research skills and knowledge. 

Congratulations to this new cohort of Promising Scholars! 
Tameka N. Ardrey, Ph.D. 
Assistant Professor
Birth-Kindergarten Teacher Education
Georgia Southern University

Research Interest Area: Professional development strategies that effectively support teachers in creating and sustaining equitable high-quality and culturally-affirming early learning environments
I am genuinely honored to be selected as one of the Foundation’s Promising Scholars. As a champion for social justice and an advocate for historically marginalized children and families, I am committed to advancing equity through early care and education. This program will support me in this endeavor by strengthening my research and grant writing skills and connecting me with like-minded scholars and researchers.
Sheresa Boone Blanchard, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Department of Human Development & 
Family Science
East Carolina University

Research Interest Area: Identifying and addressing gaps in the pipeline of early educators of color and in rural areas related to educational preparation, attainment, and licensure
I am elated to be chosen as a Promising Scholar because the program will provide support to help me hone my skills and become a stronger researcher. The possibility of digging into my research area to uncover systemic barriers in the pipeline of early educators of color has an enormous potential of impacting the lives of early educators in my state and beyond and rippling into lives of their young children and family partners, as well, for generations.
Kamilah Legette, Ph.D.
NIH T32 Postdoctoral Fellow
Frank Porter Graham Child Development Institute
The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Research Interest Area: Racial/ethnic disparities in children’s academic group placement, discipline experiences, and professional development methods to reduce teachers’ racially biased decisions 
I’m thrilled to be a part of the Foundation’s Promising Scholars Program! As a Promising Scholar, I will be afforded networking and mentoring opportunities that will strengthen my research agenda. I look forward to participating in the program and learning ways to reduce inequitable learning opportunities between white and racially minoritized children.
Cristina Medellin, Ph.D.
Career Development Coordinator
New York Early Childhood Professional Development Institute 
The City University of New York

Research Interest Area: Examining the systems and structures that support the early childhood workforce through professional development and stackable credentials for Latinx family child care providers
I am so honored to be part of the Promising Scholars Program at the Foundation! I look forward to cultivating relationships with an amazing inter-disciplinary group of scholars who are committed to doing equitable research. This pandemic has magnified the essential role that the early childhood workforce plays in our economy, yet they are not always 'seen' or 'heard.' This opportunity will allow me to sharpen my research skills and learn from and with others so that my research can inform local policies to elevate the early childhood workforce.
Meet the Promising Scholars
ABOUT US Research, policy and practice—we connect these pieces to help build early childhood systems that enable children to reach their full potential. Founded in 1900, the Foundation for Child Development identifies needs, fills gaps and integrates knowledge for successful implementation and continuous improvement. Learn more about our focus areas and download resources by clicking these links:
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