From Critical Resistance <>
Subject #SustainCR this October
Date October 2, 2019 9:58 PM
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Swag, books, and more

#SustainCR in October! ([link removed])
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This October the #SustainCR campaign continues!
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This year Critical Resistance (CR) was a part of two enormous campaign victories: ending Urban Shield and halting the construction of two news LA jails. Putting abolition into practice is why *55* people signed up to donate as monthly sustainers this summer. THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT! This month, we want to bring in 45 new monthly sustainers to hit 100 new commitments this year. Will you join us in sustaining abolitionist organizing?

We are majority grassroots-funded, with a solid monthly sustainer base of 200+ people to keep our work well resourced year round. Our sustainers include people from all over the world and from all walks of life—former prisoners, students, community organizers, anti-violence activists, union members, teachers, legal workers, doctors, academics, artists, and on and on… Your sustainer gifts of $5, $15, $25, $50 ([link removed]) and more keep our organization in best fighting form.
If you already give a monthly donation, we thank you with hopes that you’ll continue to do so and consider raising your donation and asking others to join this push.
Let's hit our #SustainCR goal! Donate today and get a fresh new tote bag or abolitionist book of your choice! ([link removed])

Books: 1) The Long Term: Resisting Life Sentences Working Toward Freedom. Edited by Alice Kim, Erica Meiners, Jill Petty, Audrey Petty, Beth E. Richie, and Sarah Ross. Haymarket Books, 2018. We love this book: over 40 readable essays on organizing, education, abolition and feminism! Read the amazing reviews here ([link removed]) . 2) Are Prisons Obsolete? By Angela Y. Davis. AK Press, 2003 ([link removed]) . We send hundreds of copies of this book inside to imprisoned organizers every year. A monthly gift of $10 would fund 1 prisoner reading this book each month, thanks to AK Press's amazing solidarity price for CR.
Join us in the abolitionist vision of healthcare, housing, education, and liberation - not cages or policing. You can #SustainCR and become a monthly sustainer online ([link removed]) or by check (some workplaces have giving programs!).

Amplify your impact by...
* Spreading the word to family and friends by sharing this newsletter and our website, posting on social media, and encouraging people to support CR.

* Hosting an event, art sale, house party, or workshop to benefit CR and share our materials and vision ([link removed]) .

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Thank you for keeping Critical Resistance a vibrant grassroots organization!
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