“Seems the latest Israeli attack on Iran’s nuclear facilities set back the program by some 9 months. This will strengthen Israel’s argument that there’s no need for [U.S. President Joe] Biden to
rush back into the nuclear agreement and lift sanctions,” CFR’s Martin S. Indyk tweets. “[But] the attack will also drive Iran’s nuclear program further underground, which will then require anywhere/anytime inspections to detect and prevent it. And for that there will need to be a nuclear agreement.”
“[Tehran] will feel
compelled to retaliate in order to signal to Israel that attacks are not cost-free,” Eurasia Group’s Henry Rome tells the
New York Times. “Iran also needs to ensure that such a retaliation does not make it politically impossible for the West to continue pushing forward with [Iran nuclear deal] re-entry.”
This CFR Backgrounder explains
the Iran nuclear deal.