From Vdare Editors <[email protected]>
Subject BULLETIN: AOC Routs Pelosi On Immigration—Launches Death Struggle With Historic America; ETC. (46 ITEMS)
Date July 16, 2019 4:29 PM
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AOC Routs Democratic Establishment On Immigration—Launches Death Struggle With Historic American Nation<[link removed]>; The Heirs Of MAGA—Who Will Lead Historic American Nation After Trump?<[link removed]> ETC. (46 ITEMS, 7/15/19)

Featured Articles
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VDARE’s Brimelow Sad! As Triangulating John Zmirak Slobbers Over Pope Hazony’s Feet<[link removed]>
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Author James Kirkpatrick

The Heirs Of MAGA—Who Will Lead Historic American Nation After Trump?<[link removed]>
Tuesday July 09, 2019

Author Allan Wall

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AOC Routs Democratic Establishment On Immigration—Launches Death Struggle With Historic American Nation<[link removed]>
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Blog Posts
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Dave Chappelle Is Punching Down at Caitlyn Jenner. NYT Not Allow!<[link removed]>
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Author James Fulford

What The Citizenship Question Was About: Illegals Are Counted For Congressional Apportionment<[link removed]>
Thursday July 11, 2019

Author Steve Sailer

FORWARD: Jeffrey Epstein Is NOT a Shanda for the Goyim<[link removed]>
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Syndicated Columns
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The Rise and Fall of the United States of America<[link removed]>

Author Peter Brimelow

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