I’m asking 500 of my supporters to join me and demand the Senate pass the PRO Act.

Lydia Bean for Congress

Hi Bean Team,

Earlier this month through a bipartisan vote, the House passed the PRO Act, a long overdue expansion of rights for working people and their unions. In fact, if it becomes law, it would be the largest expansion of collective bargaining rights in decades.

But I’m afraid the PRO Act will never see the light of day. Republicans in the Senate, deep in the pockets of big business, are expected to threaten a filibuster. It’s appalling, but unsurprising.

I won’t give up because this fight is personal to me, team. I’m running for Congress to bring good-paying jobs back to North Texas, and I know to do that, we need strong unions that fight for working families. That’s why I’m asking you to join me before midnight and demand the Senate pass the PRO Act to protect workers’ rights >>>

Team, I know we have unions and collective bargaining to thank for so many good-paying jobs in North Texas. But for decades, Washington has stood on the side of big corporations and whittled away workers’ rights with loopholes and weakened provisions.

We cannot rebuild the middle class and bring back good-paying jobs for North Texans without strengthening our unions. That’s why this bill is so important to me.

So I’m asking 500 of my supporters to join me in this fight before midnight. Will you add your name next to mine and demand the Senate pass the PRO Act? >>>


Thank you for standing up for workers rights with me.

Let’s do this,

Lydia Bean is a mother, small business owner, and community leader who has brought people together to make real change. As the daughter of a teacher and a pastor, Lydia’s parents taught her to stand up for what she believes in.

Lydia has faith that America’s best days are ahead of us, if we can send leaders to Congress who will stand up for what’s right and will work with anyone to give every Texan a fair shot.

If elected, Lydia will be the first woman to represent Texas’ 6th Congressional District and the first Democrat in nearly 40 years! Help Lydia make history: Donate Today!


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