Dear Voter,
NC General Assembly/Legislative Bld.
16 West Jones Street, Raleigh NC 27601
Tuesday, April 13, 2021, 9:30 am to 2:00 pm,
(in front of the General Assembly/Legislative Bld.)
You will be given signs and info.
Register for the event on Eventbrite at this link Register
THREE TOPICS to respectfully engage our Legislators:
1. STOP HATE IN THE CLASSROOM! - See attached flyer.
Stop the new K-12 Social Studies Standards that were approved by the NC Board of Education this year. Lt. Governor Mark Robinson informed the Board that many North Carolinians were not aware of the standards and when they became aware over 30,000 signed a petition in only 4 days that they were diametrically opposed to the changes. This compares to the reported 7000 who reviewed the standards and were 85% in agreement with them. The Board of Education approved the standards anyway. The Legislature, however, had ONLY voted to add a personal finance literacy to the curriculum (GS. 115C-81.65), not to re-write all the standards as the bureaucrats had done. The Legislature can STOP these new standards from being implemented, our NC legislators need to hear that from us!
Lt. Governor Mark Robinson indicated that the standards are:
· political in nature and paint America as being systematically racist.
· divisive and consistently separate Americans into groups in an effort to undermine our unity.
· indoctrinating our students against our great country and our founders.
· not age-appropriate in the elementary grades.
2. SUPPORT FREE AND FAIR ELECTIONS! – The Legislature is working on legislation and needs our support. We have opportunity to request our legislature to audit the 2020 election! (See below for message.)
Enter your address and you will find your NC Senator and Representative.
When you arrive, stop at the registration table to obtain handouts with talking points to highlight/leave with your Representative and Senator and directions to their offices. We are asking that you also visit the other legislators on the same floor, if possible.
Sign Lt. Governor Robinson’s petition to stop the K-12 Social Study Standards at this link.
The Social Study Standards can be found at this link Standards
Thank you for supporting these efforts. . Please pass on this email.
Liberty First Grassroots