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Take Action and updates on 5G and smart meters
The Federal Communication Commission (FCC) is trying to allow 5G antennas to be installed on neighbor's homes without local oversight. See this video by 5G Crisis to understand why comments to the FCC are needed.  
File comments here: https://www.fcc.gov/ecfs/filings/express 
Type 19-71 in the box for proceedings. 

5G Crisis suggests this template: 

I am deeply troubled that the FCC is thinking of changing the OTARD rule to allow wireless companies to install their powerful antennas on private homes and apartment buildings across the country.
The placement of these antennas subjects nearby residents to 24/7 radiation exposure without their consent. Chronic exposure to RF microwave radiation has been proven to cause an array of human health problems, including cancer. 

I am requesting that the FCC not change its OTARD rule for the sake of public health and the preservation of local and state rights.


5G: Interview with Dr. Martin Pall on the health impacts of 5G

This is a great 9 minute interview by Full Measure TV with Martin Pall, PhD, Professor Emeritus of Biochemistry and Basic Medical Sciences in the School of Molecular Biology at Washington State University.

"Sharyl: Is it your feeling that mobile phone use and 5-G in the future have been and are causes of chronic disease epidemics in this country?

Pall: I believe that the exposures we already have are producing major effects already on our health. And that 5-G will be vastly worse than anything that we, we are already exposed to."

"Sharyl: How do you explain them saying the science doesn't exist, that there's nothing that gives us cause for concern?

Pall: It's all corruption. There's no other explanation. I think they're at least 25 different reviews that have been published on this over the years."
"Pall: We need to dramatically decrease exposures. We're taking risks of the sort that no rational society can possibly take. We're doing it blindly, and in my judgment with absolute stupidity." 

Watch and share it! 

5G Success! 
On September 19, 2019, the City of Seaside California denied four 4G "small cell" towers and another cell tower on a church. The reasons for denial were primarily based on visual/view shed impacts and their municipal code that states "the communication facility will not adversely impact the character and aesthetics of any public right-of-way."
A council member stated they should not violate the investment that residents make in their homes and also that the Public Rights of Way are for the PUBLIC and therefore the public needs to be heard.

The Verizon attorney stated "We need 4G as a backbone for 5G." See the council meeting video here: 

Blake Levitt, a medical science journalist and Ed Friedman who has taken the issue of smart meters in Maine to the Supreme Court give an excellent overview on smart meters. You can find it here:  

Click on the play button where it says Listen on Demand. Be sure the "choose a show" date is set to 9/26/2019 Show starts after a few minutes intro. It's worth the wait and time to listen. 

"Smart Grid is a massive energy failure" Blake Levitt

How to order brochures: The "What are EMFs?" brochure to has been updated to include 5G. "What are EMF's?"  is a basic overview and introduction of EMF problems, science, solutions.

Send an email to [email protected] for a higher resolution of 5G artwork by Shelley Masters

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For information on how to make tax deductible donations, click here: http://emfsafetynetwork.org/donate-now/


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