Dear Friends,
Please join the National Association of Scholars and the Independent Institute on February 7th and 8th for the conference “Fixing Science: Practical Solutions for the Irreproducibility Crisis” in Oakland, California.
Many headline scientific findings in recent years have turned out to be false—they can’t be reproduced. The headlines are just the tip of the iceberg. A large amount of ordinary scientific findings published in peer-reviewed journals don’t replicate. Something has gone terribly wrong in contemporary scientific procedures.
Science’s failure is called the Irreproducibility Crisis. It is the result of improper use of statistics, arbitrary research techniques, lack of accountability, political groupthink, and a scientific culture biased toward producing positive results. By some estimates, half of recent scientific research could be irreproducible.
“Fixing Science” brings together scholars from several disciplines to talk about practical ways to fix how science works. Panelists will suggest how research, scientists, academics, government officials, and philanthropists should reform scientific research. Special panels will describe how the irreproducibility crisis affects specific disciplines, including economics and climate science. Other panels will examine topics such as groupthink and falsifiability. Throughout, “Fixing Science” will focus on which reforms have worked so far, to help us craft and propose initiatives going forward. The conference will help advance practical solutions to the Irreproducibility Crisis by scientists, civil society, and lawmakers.
Panelists include Chair of the Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee at the Environmental Protection Agency Louis Anthony Cox, Fellow in Quantitative Methodology at the London School of Economics Daniele Fanelli, Director of the Applied Statistics Center at Columbia University Andrew Gelman, Director Emeritus of the Center for the Study of Science at the Cato Institute Patrick J. Michaels, Professor of Sociology at the University of Texas at Austin Mark Regnerus, Professor Philosophy and Julian Park Chair at the University of Buffalo Barry Smith, and Executive Director of the American Statistical Association Ronald L. Wasserstein.
Order your tickets today for the lowest price. Until December 31st all tickets are discounted, after that date, all tickets will increase by 25% to 50%.
Learn more and reserve your tickets for February 7th and 8th here.
Peter Wood

National Association of Scholars