Western Values Project
A Voice for the Majority in the American West

Tell the Bureau of Land Management:
Get out of Chevron’s office and start protecting our public lands.

Sign the petition >>

Hi friends,

First, thank you to everyone who responded to our National Public Lands Day survey. We were encouraged by the huge number of responses and by how much enthusiasm we saw for protecting the public lands that are vital to our Western way of life.

Here are just a few responses we received:

“I love the natural beauty and thank the leaders who had the foresight to preserve these wonderful treasures for all of us. We all need to be more in touch with the natural world for our own mental and emotional well-being.”

“Public lands give all persons -- rich and poor -- an opportunity to expand the limits of their every-day lives by spending time in the unspoiled beauty of our country.”

“They... protect our air, water, land, wildlife, and entire ecosystem by being undeveloped spaces that can filter and renew resources while allowing the complex interaction of organisms to occur. And they keep humans like me sane. Seriously.”

But friends, our public lands remain under attack by the Trump administration. The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) just moved into a building in Grand Junction, Colorado that houses Chevron, Laramie Energy, and the Colorado Oil and Gas Association.

That’s right -- the very agency that is supposed to protect our public lands just literally moved in with Chevron and other energy corporations intent on exploiting our public lands.

Secretary Bernhardt’s Interior denies that the current occupants of the building have anything to do with the newly signed lease. But after installing known anti-public lands zealot William Pendley as the head of BLM, it’s hard to believe this is just a coincidence.

If you’re as disgusted with Bernhardt’s swampy decision to move the BLM as we are, will you sign our petition to publicly oppose this latest move to cozy up to extractive industry special interests?

It’s time to tell Bernhardt’s BLM: “enough!” Please sign our petition to tell the BLM to get out of Chevron’s office and start protecting our treasured public lands.

Sign the Petition


Western Values Project Team

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