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Weekend Edition, April 10-11, 2021

If Derek Chauvin Is Acquitted, ‘All Hell Will Break Loose’

John Rappoport

Will America Survive Joe Biden?

James Howard Kunstler

What Clarence Thomas Gets Wrong About Big Tech

Jeff Deist

Eminent Doc: Media Censored Covid-19 Early Treatment Options That Could Have Reduced Fatalities by 85%

Patrick Delaney

The History of the West

Bionic Mosquito

The Pain Principle

Theodore Dalrymple

Pre-emptive ‘Case’ Dissection

Eric Peters

Financial Tyranny: Footing the Tax Bill for the Government’s Fiscal Insanity

John W. Whitehead & Nisha Whitehead

246 Vaccinated Michigan Residents Diagnosed With Covid, 3 Dead, State Health Dept. Confirms

Megan Redshaw

The Racism Racket

Joanna Williams

Female Postal Worker Viciously Beaten in Flint, Michigan, Over Delayed Stimulus Checks (VIDEO)


Back to the Future at the Pentagon

William J. Astore

LRC Blog

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