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Dear John

Participatory Budgeting 2021 is well underway. Thanks to so many of you, we have already recorded over 2500 votes since the polls opened on Monday. 

If you haven’t voted already, please vote now!

And if you have already voted, thank you! Please share your experience and encourage neighbors to vote as well. Here’s a (volunteer-designed) social media kit you can use.

At our fantastic virtual “PB Expo” on Wednesday night, the excitement over the ballot projects was palpable -- you can watch the recording here. You can find detailed project descriptions and the link to the ballot here

Or just skip right to the ballot, and vote right now!

Our volunteers also will be out in force this weekend throughout the district at pop-up locations encouraging everyone to vote. If you would like to discuss any of the projects, learn how to log onto the ballot, or hear more about PB, please take a look at the pop-up schedule and stop by! I’ll be running around the district to pop-up PB voting locations today and would love to see you!

PB voting closes at 11:59 PM on Wednesday, 4/14 -- so take a few minutes this weekend to make your voice heard on funding decisions affecting our community.

Happy PB voting and enjoy the weekend!

Brad, Lara, and the whole PB crew

P.S. Yesterday, Rosa and I went to opening day at Coney Island, and she convinced me to try something new: check it out here! Sadly, bringing the Sling Shot to Prospect Park is not on the PB ballot this year. But so many other great things are. Check them out and vote now.

Contact us:
District 39
456 5th Ave Ste 3
Brooklyn, NY 11215-4076

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[email protected]

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