The poverty measure doesn’t measure up...

Dear John,


Poverty is a sin, and the current federal poverty measure is so outdated we can’t even see the crisis for what it is. Join the Poor People’s Campaign for an online mass meeting on Monday April 12th at 3pm ET / 12pm PT to hear from poor and low-income people, economists and faith leaders who will challenge the dominant narratives on poverty, a narrative that blames poor people for our situation, frames poverty as a racial issue to undermine multi-racial solidarity, and doesn’t recognize the full 140 million and growing who live in poverty or are one emergency away from poverty.


*This online event will be ASL interpreted and open captioned*


As Congress debates a long overdue infrastructure bill, we will continue to fight for voting rights, labor rights, immigrant rights and living wages. On Monday, we will hear how narratives scapegoating poor people are translated into policies that further concentrate power and money in the hands of a few, deny adequate health care, housing, clean water and sanitation, good jobs and welfare programs, and feed attacks on our democratic participation.


We have the opportunity to rebuild this nation from the bottom up, lifting up communities that have faced deindustrialization, disinvestment and the devastation of the climate crisis. To do so, we must develop an accurate poverty measure to see clearly the need at hand, and build the political will to make poverty obsolete. Join us.


Forward together, not one step back!

Rev. Dr. William Barber and Rev. Dr. Liz Theoharis

Co-Chairs, Poor People’s Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival