A weekly wrap up of Brady news —


John, we joined President Biden at the White House this week for the unveiling of his executive action to prevent gun violence in America. 

(From L/R: Fred Guttenberg, gun violence survivor and activist; Gabrielle Giffords, president of Giffords; Kris Brown, Brady president; Po Murray, chair of the Newtown Action Alliance; Sen. Blumenthal; and Fatimah Loren, executive director of the Health Alliance for Violence Intervention.)

In a historic event, he announced six bold and comprehensive reforms to address the issue of gun violence — everything from community violence intervention, untraceable “ghost guns,” gun safety laws like “extreme risk protection orders,” gun trafficking, and more. He even announced gun safety champion David Chipman to head the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF) — the nation’s sole enforcer of our gun laws. 

This is big news! And believe it or not, John, these are the boldest reforms we’ve seen in nearly 30 years. We know because it was our namesakes, Jim and Sarah Brady, who led the fight with then-Sen. Joe Biden 30 years ago to pass the Brady Bill and a ban on assault weapons.

Together, they established our nation’s first background check system for gun sales — the Brady Background Check System — and banned weapons of war from falling into the wrong hands. Nearly three decades later, we’re making history again, now, with President Biden.

(L: Jim "the bear" Brady, Sen. Joe Biden, and Sarah Brady. R: Po Murray, Fred Guttenberg, and Kris Brown.) 

This historic progress for our movement was made possible by supporters like you, John. Every petition you sign, every event you attend, and every dollar you donate — you allow us to work with the strongest gun safety administration in our nation’s history. Will you please sign our petition thanking President Biden for taking bold action on gun violence? We’ll let him know, together, that we’re behind him as his administration works to prevent gun violence and save lives. 


VIDEO: 17-Year-Old Team ENOUGH Member Purchases a “Ghost Gun”

“Ghost guns'' are untraceable firearms that can be bought online — without a background check. They’re typically sold as “ghost gun kits,” which include all of the parts to assemble a fully functioning firearm. 

In our new video, Team ENOUGH Executive Council member Stephan Abrams shows how easy it is to purchase a “ghost gun kit” at just 17 years old. Within a few clicks, a ghost gun kit was delivered to his house where he could have easily assembled the weapon and had a fully functioning handgun in under an hour, showing the threat these weapons pose if they end up in the wrong hands.


RSVP: Brady Legal and Gun Violence Prevention Advocates Discuss Threats Before the U.S. Supreme Court

We recently won against an NRA lawsuit that threatened to roll back more than 300 state gun safety laws across the country. But that ruling was made before the balance tipped on the Supreme Court. Now, we’re waiting imminently as the Supreme Court has signaled they will soon take up another Second Amendment case. So, what threats lay ahead of the court?

We're convening legal experts to discuss the current legal landscape around the Second Amendment. Moderated by Brady Legal Litigation and Constitutional Counsel Christa Nicols, panelists include:


Episode 123: The Haunting Problem of “Ghost Guns”

This week, President Biden ordered the Department of Justice to take  action on ghost guns. But until then, what threats do these untraceable firearms pose and why is it so difficult to prevent their proliferation? We’re joined by ghost gun experts of Team ENOUGH and Brady to find out. 


RSVP for the Brady Action Awards! 

Hosted by MSNBC's Joy Reid, our 2021 Brady Action Awards on Thursday, April 29, will honor the life-saving work of gun violence prevention advocates from across the country. And as a Brady supporter, you're invited! We just announced a new special guest, gun safety champion Vice President Kamala Harris, in addition to honorees like actor Bryan Cranston and Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger!



While our gala is free, we're actively looking for supporters who want to sponsor our event. Your donation will help us honor those who have dedicated their lives to prevent gun violence and save lives.

'We Were Really Pleased that He Called It What It Is. This Is a Public Health Epidemic', MSNBC Katy Tur

Biden to Announce Actions on Firearms, Tap Gun Safety Advocate to Lead ATF, NPR

Gun Control Advocate: President's Reforms Don't Violate the Second Amendment, CBS News

Biden Acts on Gun Control After Pressure From Impatient Activists, Washington Post

Analysis: Biden White House Tries to Craft Gun Executive Orders that Can’t Be Undone, Reuters

Brady California activists have been advocating for AB 311, legislation that would prohibit the sale of “ghost gun kits” at gun shows. But the day before the committee vote, activists heard that they were just one vote short of its passage. Led by Suzanne, the president of Brady Los Angeles, chapter members quickly jumped into action. 

Suzanne called the lawmaker's office who signaled that they wouldn’t vote for AB 311. She led her grassroots members to do the same via email. Call after call, activists refused to let up. Yet on the very day of the hearing, they still hadn’t secured the one vote necessary to pass AB 311. 

So Suzanne called the lawmaker’s office again, reminding them that she was the president of Brady’s Los Angeles Chapter, which includes constituents from the lawmaker’s district. Suzanne and her chapter members’ calls were not in vain — as they successfully persuaded the lawmaker to vote “yes” on AB 311!

This is just one example of the power a phone call — especially from our chapter leaders in California — can make. Thank you, Suzanne, for your leadership. And a huge thanks to all of our advocates who do this life-saving work every day across the country. We can’t do this work without you!




Thank you, John, for staying up-to-date on Brady's work across Congress, courts, and communities. Our work is not possible without grassroots donors like you. Will you consider donating to continue our life-saving work today? Thank you for being a Brady supporter and joining us in the fight to prevent gun violence.


We rely on the generosity of donors like you to fund our work to prevent gun violence and create a safer America. 
Thank you for supporting the Brady Campaign. The Brady Campaign is a 501c(4) and donations to the Brady Campaign are not eligible for a tax deduction.


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