We stand with the Amazon workers in Alabama who have fought so hard for a democratic voice in their workplace.

Thursday, new revelations showed how Amazon likely violated labor law to intimidate workers into voting no and deprive them of a secret ballot without the boss looking over their shoulder.

Though, we've now learned of the painful defeat, the power of the campaign showed that it is possible to win.

Amazon and other Big Tech monopolies are playing defense -- and we need to keep them on defense. We need to break up Big Tech monopolies and pass new pro-union laws to remove intimidation from union campaigns.

Tell Congress and the Biden administration: Break up Amazon and other Big Tech giants like Google and Facebook!

And let us know you will fight for new labor laws when that fight is on in Congress and chip in to support our work on these core economic issues.

Amazon doesn't just bully workers. It bullies and buys the submission of lawmakers, so it receives tax breaks that starve communities of resources.

It exploits its platform to bend and crush any business it deems a competitor.

And it uses its power in Washington to shape how privacy, online marketplaces, and the whole internet are governed, so it can keep on doing what it wants and getting even more powerful.

Taking on Amazon will take relentless, untiring organizing and people coming together, but we it can be done. We can break Amazon’s stranglehold on our economy, our government, and our democracy.

Tell Congress and the Biden administration: Break up Amazon and other Big Tech giants like Google and Facebook!

And let us know you will fight for new labor laws when that fight is on in Congress and chip in to support our work on these core economic issues.

Thanks for being a bold progressive.

-- The PCCC Team (@BoldProgressive)




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