Folks, here’s the deal: Nevada will be one of the most pivotal states in the next election cycle.
That’s why many Democrats are looking to shake up the primary election calendar, with plans to make Nevada the very first state to vote in Presidential Primaries.
To put it frankly: It’s time to modernize our primary elections. Nevada’s population is the perfect cross section of the diversity of our country, so this is the perfect place to start.
Do you support moving Nevada to the front of the line for Democratic primaries? We want to know your thoughts on this groundbreaking change:
In 2020, Nevada was a CRITICAL battleground state. We delivered six decisive electoral votes to Joe Biden, and right here in NV-03, we elected Susie Lee by just THREE POINTS.
There’s no doubt about it: Our state is going to play a KEY role in elections to come.
America’s electorate is changing, and we need to change with it.
So we’re asking you directly: Do you support this critical change to our primary election processes?
Thanks for getting involved,
Team Susie Lee