
Republican gubernatorial candidate Assemblyman Jack Ciattarelli is no longer alone in his primary election -- now he’s been joined by radical conservative, tax-dodging pastor Phil Rizzo. Ciatterelli has been an extremist long before getting a primary opponent, but now he's leaning into his most radical positions like suppressing the vote, cutting off funding for women’s health care and stopping the state’s minimum wage increase. 

Read more about Ciattarelli’s embrace of the far right, QAnon wing of the GOP here. 

Header: Gov. Murphy Update

New Jersey continues to hit new milestones in its vaccination program, with over 5 million doses now administered and 2 million residents fully vaccinated. Governor Murphy himself received his shot today at the Atlantic City megasite, along with First Lady Tammy Murphy. The duo booked their appointments online using the same systems available to all eligible residents after the state’s age limit was reduced to 55+. 

For up to date information regarding new cases and directives regarding coronavirus, or information on vaccine registration and signup, visit the state’s dedicated COVID-19 Information Hub or follow Governor Murphy’s official pages on social media. You can also reach the state’s Vaccine Call Center at 1-855-568-0545. 

Twitter: @GovMurphy

Header: President Biden Update

President Biden recently unveiled an aggressive, comprehensive plan to reduce the gun violence epidemic in America by banning assault weapons, instituting background checks and several other common sense safety measures. As the President said, it’s far past time for “thoughts and prayers” -- it’s time to act to make our country safer. 

Thank you, 

Chairman John Currie 


Paid for by the New Jersey Democratic State Committee.

New Jersey Democratic State Committee
194-196 West State Street
Trenton, NJ 08608
United States

