From Rebecca Ponzio, Washington Conservation Voters <[email protected]>
Subject History was made yesterday
Date April 9, 2021 8:30 PM
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Clean Fuels passed the Senate!

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Last night, the State Senate took a historic vote and passed the Clean Fuel Standard. We have been working to accomplish this critical climate policy for years. And, this milestone happened because of YOU – raising your voice, contacting your legislators, and stepping up to make this a reality.

Is your Senator listed here? Contact them and say thank you for supporting a Clean Fuel Standard! [[link removed]]

A Clean Fuel Standard is a proven approach to improving our air quality by reducing the carbon intensity of fuels in Washington.

It also creates local jobs and supports Washington-based production of clean, low-carbon fuels. Now, after three years of passing the House of Representatives, the Senate finally moved this bill forward.

Join me in thanking your Senator for standing strong against the oil industry and passing this out of the Senate. [[link removed]]

Since the bill has changed substantially since it passed the House, the bill now must be reconciled before final passage. Washington is closer than ever to a Clean Fuel Standard – help keep the momentum and finally turn this bill into law.


Rebecca Ponzio

Climate & Fossil Fuel Program Director

Washington Conservation Voters

1402 Third Avenue, Suite 1400 | Seattle, WA 98101

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