America’s roads and bridges are crumbling. 

Our airports and seaports are decaying. 

Our gridlocked transportation systems generate air pollution. 

In too many places in America, broadband internet is out of reach.

Here is the good news. President Biden has made infrastructure his next big priority. And as a senior member of the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, I have a plan.

America needs a big, bold FDR-style investment in infrastructure. 

This is our shot to rebuild America, create millions of good-paying jobs, drive economic recovery, expand opportunity, and fight climate change.

Let me be specific:

  • We need to replace or repair our aging bridges.
  • We must expand broadband internet access to rural communities.
  • We can help airports build for renewed passenger demand, and do so in ways that reduce pollution.
  • We must put bicycles, electric buses, low-emission mass transit (including ferries), and pedestrian travel at the center of our transportation networks.
  • We can expand our Amtrak passenger rail system and ensure rail safety for both passenger and freight trains.
  • We must ensure that these investments reach all of America, especially our medium-sized cities that are so often left behind.
  • By expanding apprenticeship programs, we can create the diverse workforce we need and good-paying job opportunities for millions of people, especially young people.

That is my plan. I will work with President Biden to make it a reality. I hope you will join us.


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