John —

In November 2020, Tennessee Governor Bill Lee granted Pervis Payne, an Innocence Project client, a temporary reprieve of his execution. 

That reprieve ends today — this means the State can set a new execution date for him at any moment. So Pervis’ life is on the line right now.

We urgently need your help to get justice for Mr. Payne and his family. Can you sign this petition right now calling for the state of Tennessee to not execute Pervis or text TEAMPAYNE to 52886?

Pervis has maintained his innocence for 33 years. He was convicted and sentenced to death despite living with an intellectual disability and having no prior criminal record. Pervis has a strong innocence claim and his intellectual disability makes it unconstitutional to execute him, but as of now, there is no process for Pervis to bring his intellectual disability claim to state court. Here at the Innocence Project, we’re doing everything we can to secure justice for Pervis. But we can’t do it without your help.

So for now, I’m asking you to join the team that’s fighting for Pervis every day by signing this petition right now or text TEAMPAYNE to 52886.

Thank you, and more soon.

Vanessa Potkin
Director of Special Litigation
Innocence Project
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The Innocence Project exonerates the wrongly convicted through DNA testing and reforms the criminal justice system to prevent future injustice.

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