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Hi, friend!


2020 was a year full of challenges, but also brought us a year closer to decimating trafficking in Belize and Uganda, our Partner Countries. We stopped more traffickers and protected more victims this year than ever before with the help of our incredible donors and monthly Justice Partners.


On Thursday, April 22 at 1 p.m. EDT, Victor Boutros, our CEO, is going live to share about HTI’s success in 2020 through an exclusive sneak peek at our 2020 Annual Report.


During this webinar, you’ll see how we protected 253% more victims in Uganda this year than we did in the previous year, learn about our new Law Enforcement Advisor in Belize, and hear about our successes in data-driven anti-trafficking advocacy in the U.S. You’ll also get the chance to ask Victor questions about our work in real time. We can’t wait for you to join us, so register here!

Click here to register!
Hope to see you there,

Kimberly O. Thompson

Director of Advancement

Human Trafficking Institute


Become a Justice Partner today to support the work of HTI!

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The Human Trafficking Institute
2701 Prosperity Avenue, Suite 405
Fairfax, VA 22031
(703) 644-6900