Mad knows lawmakers have a responsibility to protect and preserve our environment, air, water, and land — both for us here now and for future generations.
She also knows that those in charge have been derelict with this responsibility and duty. If sweeping changes aren't made soon, our children and our children's children will inherit an uninhabitable place to live.
If you agree with Mad that the United States must be a global leader in environmental preservation, take action and add your name to our petition>>
Lawmakers must prioritize conservation over the exploitation of our natural resources and ensure that agencies like the EPA are funded and able to remain true to the task of protecting our environment. They must serve as environmental leaders and meet the standards held by the Paris Environmental Agreement.
Technological advancements have made 100% renewable energies attainable within our lifetime, and with governmental commitment, the rapidly growing green energy industry can stimulate our economy, create jobs, and help our environment.
Please, add your name to Mad's if you believe we need to do more to protect our environment.
We must do better for the next generation.
Team Dean