This is important. Republican legislatures across the nation — including right here in Washington — are gaining momentum on bills that threaten our right to vote. And these policies disproportionately affect voters of color.

If you haven’t already, sign on before midnight as a defender of voting rights →

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This past election we saw voters casting their ballots in record numbers across the country — young and old voters, new voters, and voters of color showed up to make their voices heard.

Republican legislators saw this as a threat. Now, they’ve introduced hundreds of voter suppression bills in state legislatures across the country — and they’re gaining momentum.

We’re proud of our Washington Senate Democrats, who have led the nation in passing laws to protect voting rights, including just recently passing a bill expanding the right to vote to formerly incarcerated folks — but, Republican lawmakers even here in Washington have proposed voter ID measures and limits to vote by mail that would suppress our voices!

We must take action — we need 5,000 activists to step up and add their name in the next 48 hours to defend voting rights here in Washington:
These GOP-led voter suppression bills across the country are attacks on our democracy — and many of them are rooted in racism.

Join us in the fight against attempts to roll back our access to the ballot:

It is our duty to protect and uphold our democracy, and that requires all of us standing up for every American’s right to vote.

Thank you,

WA Senate Democrats

Paid for by Washington Senate Democratic Campaign

The Washington Senate Democratic Campaign (WSDC) provides staff, financial, and strategic assistance to Democratic candidates in order to keep Washington a Democratic stronghold and expand our majority.

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