Texas House Passes Freedom to Worship Act

This week, the Freedom to Worship Act - HB 1239 by Rep. Scott Sanford, received overwhelming bipartisan support with a vote of 117-29 in the Texas House. SB 26, the Senate companion bill, has already passed the Senate with overwhelming support by a vote of 28-2. The bills will now be required to receive approval from the opposite chamber.

Both HB 1239 and SB 26 make it clear that the government cannot force a church to close or lock its doors during a pandemic or other emergency.  Last year and still this year, some government officials are restricting churches from being open while allowing liquor stores, strip clubs and casinos to continue their operations. We must continue working hard to make sure that religious activity and worship is protected.



Save Women’s Sports Bill Needs a House Hearing

A number of states across the nation have already passed laws to keep men out of women’s sports. However, The Fair Play Act - HB 1458 by State Rep. Valoree Swanson, that seeks to protect female athletic opportunities from being hijacked by biological males has yet to receive a hearing in the Texas House State Affairs Committee.

The support for protecting female athletic and scholarships opportunities is strong as HB 1458 has over 76 coauthors, indicating it has enough support to pass the 150 member Texas House!  We need you to contact the Texas House State Affairs Committee and let Chairman Chris Paddie (R – Marshall) know that you want this important bill to have a hearing and move forward quickly in the Texas House.



Heartbeat Bill Heard in House Hearing

On Wednesday, our team and pro-life Texans from across the state, testified in a lengthy hearing in the Texas House Public Health Committee to support the Texas Heartbeat Bill (HB 1515 by Rep. Shelby Slawson) and other important pro-life bills. HB 1515, along with the Senate companion SB 8 by Senator Hughes, would protect the lives of the unborn from the moment a heartbeat is detected. Please continue to encourage your legislators to protect innocent unborn life by passing the Texas Heartbeat Bill. Take Action.

School Board Voter Guides Available

Many local governments across Texas have local elections on Saturday, May 1. Early voting beings in under two weeks on April 19. It is important to elect principled pro-family, pro-life leaders in local governments across Texas. We are excited to announce School Board Election Voter Guides are available in 20 Texas school districts with research and evaluations of over 160 school board candidates, powered by iVoterGuide. View Guides.


Texas Values Action is the 501(c)(4) advocacy arm of Texas Values, a non-profit organization dedicated to standing for faith, family, and freedom in Texas. Copyright © 2021 Texas Values Action, All rights reserved.



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