From Sam, Freedom for Animals <>
Subject I need your help to protect sea lions 📢
Date April 9, 2021 5:27 PM
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Do you believe that no animal should be held captive and forced to perform? Then take action!

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Dear John,
California sea lions are social animals that gather in huge colonies. In the vast ocean, they display amazing swimming and feeding techniques.

The sea lions that are kept in UK zoos are deprived from displaying all of these natural behaviours. Their lives are limited to a small artificial enclosure and pool and a few other sea lions for company.

On top of this, they are made to perform unnatural tricks to please an audience.
This is what our undercover investigator documented taking place at zoos across the UK:

I am appealing to fellow animal activists like you to
take action for sea lions today.

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Sea lion displays were once a typical example of the cruelty of animal circuses, but with the recent bans on wild animals in circuses coming into force, such shows have thankfully been consigned to history. However, despite wild animal performances being banned from circuses, shockingly they are still permitted if they take place within a zoo. But what's the difference?

Take Action!
1. Contact your nearest zoo and ask them why they hold sea lions captive and make them perform. ([link removed])
2. Spread the word on social media. ([link removed])
3. Donate to to our appeal to stop these shows! ([link removed])

Thank you for all you do for animals.

For the animals,

Sam Threadgill
Freedom for Animals

P.S. Please take action today for sea lions by contacting the zoos that exploit them! Thank you ([link removed]) .

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