From PPI Progress Report <[email protected]>
Subject Working on Jobs
Date April 9, 2021 3:29 PM
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PLUS: How UI benefits can stabilize the economy, PPI has a new sound, and a "Save the Date" you won't want to miss.

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** 🚀 Prepping for Liftoff

The evidence is clear –– America's education system isn't properly preparing the non-college bound for rewarding careers. The pandemic resulted in 10 million lost jobs and unemployment disproportionately impacting young people, creating a void of foundational employment and faltering as they attempt to launch careers. To help the non-college-bound, our education system needs to create alternative pathways to careers, and a new PPI report lays out clear policy options to better prep America's students for liftoff. → Failure to Launch: Creating More School-to-Work Pathways for Young Adults ([link removed])
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📊 Don't Miss These PPI Reports

The Name: Why Users Aren't Locked into Their Smartphone Brand ([link removed])
The Game: Apple and Samsung hold huge shares of the smartphone market –– is it customer loyalty, or is there a structural barrier keeping them locked in? Elliott Long delves into the opportunity costs of smartphone brand abandonment to find out.

The Name: Unleashing UI's Potential to Counter Recessions ([link removed])
The Game: Requests for unemployment benefits went through the roof at the start of the pandemic, stressing ancient and unprepared government systems at a critical moment. How we make the UI safety net work for everyone and stabilize the economy, according to PPI Fiscal Analyst Brendan McDermott.

** ‼️Save the Date‼️
April 14th, 7:00 PM ET
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** ☑New From The Experts

** > Beating China at the EV Game
The most important car race of the next decade is hands-down the EV faceoff between the U.S. and China. So far, the U.S. is losing miserably. This is how we catch up, writes PPI President Will Marshall. → "How to Catch China in the EV Race," ([link removed]) by Will Marshall, Medium

** > Radical Sounds
The PPI podcast just got a makeover –– friends, meet Radically Pragmatic. Here, we encourage analytical conversations over typical partisan talking points. With a new look and a new sound, PPI Health Policy Director Arielle Kane welcomed Congressman Ami Bera, M.D. to discuss health funding, Covid care and the national vaccination campaign.
LISTEN HERE ([link removed])
🔥Hot Off the Press

> Climate Talk
With the introduction of Biden's green infrastructure plan, the U.S. is awkwardly attempting to return to its seat at the climate leadership table. Paul Bledsoe offers insight into international skepticism of Biden's promises and the market pressures for decarbonization. → "Biden Says Infrastructure Is the Pillar of his Climate Plan," ([link removed]) by Scott Waldman, Scientific American

> More AI 4 EU
AI regulation is around the corner for the EU, and everyone's starting to weigh in (including us ([link removed]) ). In this week's edition of AI: Decoded from POLITICO EU a myriad of AI policy perspectives are compared (including ours ([link removed]) ). → "POLITICO AI: Decoded: Queer AI — Oxford on ethics — The people vs. biometrics," ([link removed]) by Melissa Heikkilä

> Tax Szn

> A new op-ed in the Arizona Capitol Times cites a 2020 PPI report ([link removed]) on the failures of return-free filing (RFF), a tax-filing approach that is currently the cure-all darling to some in Congress. Unfortunately, RFF poses a serious threat of weakening the U.S. tax system.
→"The way to fail Arizona taxpayers: A return-free filing system," ([link removed]) by Nancy Hall, Arizona Capitol Times

> Tax policy buffs had the exclusive in the POLITICO Weekly Tax newsletter on PPI’s push for Congressional leaders to prioritize economically responsible offsets for the American Jobs Plan. Check it out. → "The corporate tax debate, cont'd," ([link removed]) by Bernie Becker, POLITICO
→ Read PPI's letter to Congress here ([link removed]) .

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