Racial equality means standing up against Asian-American discrimination in education

Like many parents of students at Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology (TJ), Julia McCaskill is an immigrant. Julia is from Shanghai and came to the United States to pursue her own American dream.

Julia’s oldest daughter is a sophomore at TJ, a public Governor’s School in Fairfax, Virginia, frequently ranked first in the nation. Her two younger daughters are working hard to likewise pass the school’s rigorous, merit-based admissions process.

Brittany Hunter explains how a new admissions policy designed to limit the number of Asian-American students accepted to TJ may turn Julia’s younger daughters’ dream into a nightmare.

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State legislatures should be reining in executive emergency powers

This month marks the one-year anniversary of states and the federal government first declaring states of emergency over the spread of COVID-19.

Much has changed since then in how we understand the virus, as well as the effects of lockdowns, stay-at-home orders, school closures, and “non-essential” business designations ordered by governors. The past year has also changed how we look at the laws that enable our governors to seize and hold such broad emergency powers.

But Daniel Dew and Nick Murray explain why we should have seen this coming.

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Individual liberty, property rights, and conservation are intertwined

Lawmakers in Montana want to take away the right of certain nonprofits to purchase land through free market transactions. Angela Erickson tells us how this move would actually harm environmental conservation, rather than protect it.

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The Hill: The Biden administration should join the fight against overcriminalization

Four years ago, no one would have believed that the administration of former President Trump would have been defined, in part, by major criminal justice reforms. Indeed, the bipartisan First Step Act rightfully made plenty of headlines and was praised across the political spectrum.

But that’s not all, write Joe Luppino-Esposito and Daniel Ortner. One executive order in the final days did not garner much attention, though it will be just as impactful for criminal justice reform of the administrative state.

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