
Yesterday, I joined President Biden at the White House as he spoke about the moral imperative for gun violence prevention – and announced the most significant executive action on this national crisis in a generation.

A photo of Senator Blumenthal with President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris

"Senator Blumenthal understands [the courage it takes to fight gun violence]."

– President Biden

This executive action addresses ghost guns, which are untraceable, homemade weapons that no law-abiding gun owner would want. The president also took steps to expand extreme risk protection order (ERPO) laws, which keep guns away from those who are in imminent danger of committing violence against themselves or others.

These are commonsense solutions that will save lives and prevent the kind of tragedies that ripple through every corner of America. But executive orders from one president can be changed by another, so it is imperative that Congress pass strong and effective laws to prevent gun violence.

Expanding background checks is the logical next step. Legislation has already been passed by the House, and now it's up to the Senate to make sure it advances. That's why I'm asking you to join me in demanding senators take immediate action to pass this lifesaving reform. Please, will you become one of the 5,000 signatures we need before midnight tonight?

Sign the petition now to demand the Senate take immediate action to pass the Background Check Expansion Act, which passed through the House last month. With lives on the line, there isn't time to waste.

No check – no gun buy. That should be the rule.

In Connecticut, we've already seen background checks save lives – but guns don’t respect state borders. States with the strongest laws are at the mercy of states with the weakest. The iron pipeline must be stopped. With more than 90% of Americans in support of expanding federal background checks, the Senate has a moral obligation to pass this vital legislation at the federal level.

With his heart on his sleeve, President Biden issued a stirring, searing call to action in the Rose Garden yesterday. The Senate needs to match his courage by passing this background check bill, and I'm counting on you to join me in speaking out to demand it.

Please, will you click here now to sign the petition demanding the Senate pass the Background Check Expansion Act to make sure no one can buy a gun in our country without a background check first?

This issue couldn't be closer to my heart, so I really appreciate you adding your voice with mine today. Thank you.


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