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The bill-reading concept is setting a new agenda across the country!

First it happened in Colorado. Then, it happened in the U.S. Senate. Now, it's happening in Oregon. 

The "read the bills" concept continues to make waves and cause change. 

Republicans forced bills to be read in the Colorado legislature. This slowed the pace of government growth. The Democrats responded by having multiple computers do the reading in parallel. Then the Colorado Supreme Court slapped the Democrats for this gimmick. The reading has to be done by human beings in a linear fashion. Score one for slower government growth and more deliberative legislation. And...

The good news didn't end there.

 Senator Ron Johnson required the COVID relief bill to be read in the Senate. The bill passed, but the constant rush to borrow and spend more money was slowed a bit. Now, the idea is spreading.

Bill-reading has taken hold in Oregon too!

Oregon Republicans are requiring bills to be read. Like you'd expect, they slowed the pace of legislation! Which means the growth of government also slowed. Now the Democrats have responded with the same computer reading trick the Democrats in Colorado used. You can bet another court case will follow. 

Things are happening. Our powerful idea is starting to set a new agenda! You are, or can be, a part of this change. If you want to support our Read the Bills Act, but you don't know about our breakthrough strategies of… 

The 300 and Option Activism

...please click those links to learn these "secrets of social change." Then, click the button and become a part of the action.

Make Congress read its bills

Or, if you're already a member of The 300 for the Read the Bills Act, please contribute or start a monthly pledge so we can recruit more people to help you.

Jim Babka, President
Agenda Setters by Downsize DC

Today's Action: Bill-reading works, so help get sponsors for the Read the Bills Act
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