Hello, John! Here is your monthly update from Prevention First about programs, training, resources and prevention news from trusted sources.
Listen! the wind is rising,
and the air is wild with leaves.
We have had our summer evenings,
now for October eves.

Humbert Wolfe
National Drug Take Back Day is October 26th!

The National Prescription Drug Take Back Day aims to provide a safe, convenient, and anonymous means of disposing of prescription drugs, while also educating the general public about the potential for abuse and medications.

We will be hosting a collection site at Prevention First headquarters from 10AM - 2PM. Stop and see us to safely dispose of your unused or expired prescription and over-the-counter medication.

Visit https://takebackday.dea.gov/ for more information and resources.
The Alcohol Policy Resource Center is pleased to announce that on July 1st, Jody Heavilin became the coordinator for the APRC. Jody will be assisting communities in their efforts to reduce underage drinking and working with municipal leaders to further efforts around sound alcohol policies and law enforcement strategies.

Be sure to include the APRC in your efforts to reduce underage drinking in your community!
The APRC participated in the Illinois Sheriffs’ Association Summer Conference on August 3rd in East Peoria. There were over 70 Sheriff’s in attendance from all over Illinois. Forty-three of them agreed to participate in our survey.
Here’s what they told us:
  • 93% said Underage Drinking is an issue in the area they serve. 
  • 65% believe or somewhat believe the use of Fake ID’s is a problem in their community.
  • 73% are connected with a local substance use prevention coalition.
  • 65% are concerned about Parents hosting parties where alcohol is served to teens.
  • 60% are concerned with Youth DUI.
Surprisingly, only 30% have reviewed local data regarding underage drinking rates and attitudes among youth. Have you connected with your local Sheriff’s Office? This is a great opportunity to share your local Illinois Youth Survey data. Law Enforcement is a vital partner in preventing youth alcohol use. The APRC has resources and webinars to help guide you in working with Law Enforcement.
Registration is now open for the 2020 Illinois Youth Survey.

To learn more about the information needed to register a school, or to register a school, please visit: https://iys.cprd.illinois.edu/register
The 2019 National Red Ribbon Week theme is: Send a Message. Stay Drug Free.™

Izabella Ware, a student from Griswold Middle School in Griswold, CT, created the winning theme for 2019 Red Ribbon Week, which takes place October 23-31. Ware's theme, "Send A Message. Stay Drug Free." was selected among thousands of Red Ribbon theme ideas submitted by students, parents, educators and members of communities across America.

The theme is a call to action to speak out in support of healthy choices. The theme is also a reminder that by staying drug free, you are sending a message to yourself and others about how much you value yourself, your overall health, your community and your future.

Click the photo to access 2019 Red Ribbon Week Resources and Planning Guide
Illinois SADD would like to thank all those who played a role in making DomeShift 2019 a success. Our workshops were very well received, and as usual Craig Tornquist did a fabulous job. Pictured here is the finale of our event featuring ThinkFast, the interactive game show. You'll learn more about what happened at DomeShift in our upcoming newsletter. Again, thank you to all who participated in any way!
A stranger was overdosing in public. This woman had the...

In early August, Shannon Rugh was sitting at a red light in a town in Northern Virginia when she spotted a commotion on the sidewalk. A group of people were performing the Heimlich maneuver on a person they thought was choking, but it wasn't...

Read more
Tests show bootleg marijuana vapes tainted with hydrogen ...

Fabian Castillo was suffering from crippling anxiety when his uncle handed him a marijuana vape pen one day last December. "It will help calm you down," Castillo said his uncle told him. Over the next several months, the vape worked as advertised.

Read more
Prevention First
Fall Training

Promoting the Illinois
Youth Survey to Schools

Foundations of Youth
Prevention Education

Establishing and Leading a
Youth Advisory Committee

Conducting Focus Groups

A Framework for Prevention

Planning and Implementing
Communication Campaigns

If you have any questions about training please contact Anne Cox, SAP TTA Manager at [email protected]

If you've registered and cannot attend Click Here for directions on cancelling your registration.
Technical Assistance from Prevention First

The technical assistance offered at Prevention First expands professional development beyond training to assist substance use prevention providers in applying what they have learned in their communities. Timely, flexible and provider-tailored technical assistance is available to meet the individual needs of providers. For more information about technical assistance or other services we offer, click email Provider Services.
Webinars at
Prevention First

Perhaps you were busy during the live webinar...or didn't know when it was scheduled. We've got ya covered!

Check out the Recorded Webinar tab in the SUPP Training Events. In each description is a link to the recording. Simply complete the registration and submit. The recording will begin and you are ready to go! NOTE: No CEUs are offered for recorded webinars.

American Association for the
Treatment of Opioid
Dependence Conference

Illinois Certification Board
2019 Fall Conference

Missouri & Illinois Behavioral
Health Conference

Cocaine, Meth & Stimulant
Summit 2019

Responding to the Opioid
Epidemic: Leveraging Care
Integration in the Health
Care Setting
Check out our new fact sheet
Have You Seen Our Training Catalog?

Check out our new Training Catalog to learn about our resources and services, meet our TTA Specialists, read our training descriptions and policies, and view our FY20 Training Calendar! The catalog is available on our SUPP Training Page and print copies will also be available at training events. 

Click the pic to go to the catalog for downloading or view.
E-Cig and Vaping resources added to Virtual Clearinghouse
There is a now a section in the Virtual Clearinghouse on the Prevention First website with resources for E-cigarettes and Vaping. Resources include printed materials, presentations, and helpful links. Stay tuned for more materials to be added periodically.

Click the image to visit the section.