Newsletter for Capitalism Magazine, Capitalism Review and
"Economic education will only be embraced by people who think that Capitalism is not just practical but morally good. Moral education is needed as the proper base for economic education."
Let Us Be Clear Once and For All: Socialism Is Not at Root About Economics! ([link removed])
The Covid Road Not Taken: Protecting Individual Rights ([link removed])
By Raymond C. Niles
Government should neither mandate nor ban vaccine passports or the other health decisions that individuals morally and rightfully should make for themselves.
Why We Need Heroes ([link removed])
By Andrew Bernstein
Flourishing human life requires heroes.
Biden’s California Dream ([link removed])
By John Stossel
A good thing about America having 50 states is that when states fail, we can learn from their mistakes. People defeated by California's rules move to Nevada or Texas. But if the federal government adopts California's rules, where can we move?
The Easter Masquerade: Why Religion Must Clash with Science ([link removed])
By Keith Lockitch
Religion's alleged harmony with science is a fraudulent masquerade, extending only insofar as religious dogmas are not called into question.
The Poetry of Work ([link removed])
By Jaana Woiceshyn
“Poetry of work” is worth pursuing. It gives us purpose—and it gives us happiness.
* Innovation and The History Vaccines ([link removed])
* Amazon Stands Up To The Fascist Senator Warren ([link removed])
* Biden Administration Cancels Freedom of the Press on The U.S. Border ([link removed])
* Alex Epstein Interviews Patrick Moore: Fake Invisible Catastrophes ([link removed])
* Abigail Shrier: Equality Act is Based on ‘Misogyny In Progressive Clothing’ ([link removed])
* Matt Ridley: Brexit Saved Britain From The EU “Ming” Bureaucracy ([link removed])
* Bloomberg: Parler Reboot Is Driven by an Ayn Rand Inspired Philosopher ([link removed])
* Alex Epstein: Decriminalize Nuclear ([link removed])
* Salsman: Keynesianism is Potterism ([link removed])
* Steve Simpson: Ending CDC Eviction Ban Victory For Rule of Law ([link removed])
A Declaration and Constitution for a Free Society ([link removed])
by Brian Simpson
The book addresses a wide variety of issues that are directly or indirectly related to the constitution of a free society, including topics as diverse as sex, international trade, and immigration, the Exceptions and Regulations Clause, the legalization of drugs, the racist and sexist nature of affirmative action laws, whether term limits are consistent with a free society, same-sex marriage, what is an appropriate government response to a pandemic, social security, child labor, the Takings Clause, the right to bear arms, the regulation of production and trade, the economic implications of protecting rights (or not protecting them), the validity of the senses, balanced-budget amendments, whether the right to counsel is consistent with a free society, anarchy and “competing governments,” and many, many more issues.
Here are a few excerpts...
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