9th April 2021
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In this issue: 

REGISTER NOW: PLC Network Webinar With Éamon Ó Cuiv TOMORROW

READ: National Women's Council seek permanent extension of ‘DIY’ home abortions

READ: Newstalk presenter's bizarre and detached approach to Ryan Bomberger interview

READ: Andrea’s amazing abortion pill reversal story

REGISTER NOW: Communications Workshop on Wednesday the 21st of April

ACTION ALERT: The Pro Life Campaign needs YOU! - Please take our Chnage Begins With You! Survey

APPLY NOW: Virtual Internship with the PLC

Register Now for PLC Network Webinar With Éamon Ó Cuiv TOMORROW

Join Our PLC Network Webinar with special guest Éamon Ó Cuiv, Fianna Fáil TD and former Minister who will discuss strategies for engaging with the Three Year Review of the abortion law from 11AM to 12NOON TOMORROW.

The webinar will also include a grassroots activists panel discussion!

Participation is free but pre-registration is essential.

Register here

National Women's Council seek permanent extension of ‘DIY’ home abortions

The National Women's Council (NWCI) is the latest campaigning group to call for the extension of ‘DIY’ home abortions in the event of a post Covid environment.

Last month, the acting secretary general of the Department of Health wrote to the Oireachtas Health Committee saying that the practice of home abortions would lapse once the Covid crisis is over. This is in keeping with what the Minister for Health stated when he gave his approval to ‘DIY’ abortions in March 2020.

In recent months, pro-abortion campaigners around the world have been lobbying for home abortions to be permanently extended and not just approved as a temporary measure. It’s not surprising therefore that the NWCI is now joining the call to normalise the practice of home abortions.

Abortions supporters are backing the calls despite the fact that in 2020 two women tragically died in England from home abortions after the government there gave the green light to the practice. Also, earlier this year, it was confirmed that ambulance callouts in Wales for complications arising from home abortions rose by 100% in a matter of months.

Political ideology rather than concern for women’s health appears to be the driving force behind the calls for extending the practice of home abortions – a practice which means no face-to-face contact between the woman and her doctor before the abortion.

In the interest of women and their unborn babies, we need to keep raising our voices in opposition to the continuation of the life-endangering practice of ‘DIY’ abortion.

Newstalk presenter's bizarre and detached approach to Ryan Bomberger interview

On Tuesday, Newstalk’s Tom Dunne interviewed Ryan Bomberger from US based pro-life group the Radiance Foundation. Ryan made excellent points throughout the interview where he challenged the media’s demonisation and mischaracterisation of the pro-life movement and spoke about the positive vision that underpins and motivates pro-life activism in the US.

Tom Dunne for his part sounded like he was just going through the motions. He didn’t take issue with much of what Ryan had to say but likewise didn’t engage with his guest in any meaningful way and showed no interest in talking to Ryan about his incredible personal story concerning the issue of abortion and his adoption. It came across like Newstalk was merely conducting the interview as a box ticking exercise to make some amends for its recent long run of one-sided interviews on the abortion issue.

Until Ryan’s interview on Tuesday, Newstalk had devoted more than 45 minutes in the past three months to interviews with pro-abortion advocates, compared to under 5 minutes spent interviewing representatives from the pro-life side.

Some might argue that Tuesday’s interview was at least an acknowledgment from Newstalk that their programming has been too one-sided and needed to be addressed. It’s true that Ryan Bomberger was given the opportunity to rebut some of the outlandish myths about the pro-life movement propagated in recent Newstalk discussions. It is not acceptable though for the Newstalk presenter to appear uninterested and standoffish towards his guest as though he was trying to convey to listeners his displeasure at having to conduct the interview at all. It would also be unacceptable for Newstalk to think that a token interview with someone from the pro-life side once in a blue moon somehow makes amends for the deep-seated bias they have shown towards the issue, particularly in recent months.

Positively and proactively, we need to keep pressing for higher standards from those who purport to deliver fair and impartial news and current affairs programmes.

Listen to the interview here.

Andrea’s amazing abortion pill reversal story

At 21, Andrea became pregnant. She was at college, in a rocky relationship and felt pressured into taking the abortion pill. After taking the pill to end the life of her baby, she immediately regretted the decision and in desperation set about searching for a way to undo its effect. Eventually a family member found the contact number for a doctor who assisted women in ‘abortion pill reversal’. Thankfully in Andrea’s case, there was still time to save her baby and avoid the nightmare of abortion. Her story is one of hundreds that have come to light in recent years of women wanting to undo the effect of the abortion pill, yet pro-abortion activists continue to do everything in their power to tarnish and thwart efforts to simply inform women that the possibility of abortion pill reversal exists.

There's absolutely nothing ‘pro-choice’ about the way these media commentators and campaigners are behaving. In their eyes, all roads lead to abortion and anything that stands in the way must be denounced and demonised. To them, the term pro-choice is nothing more than a convenient slogan to hide their extremism. And that’s how it has always been. 

here to watch the Live Action video about Andrea’s story.

Register Now for our next Communications Workshop on Wednesday the 21st of April

Want to learn how to explain the pro-life position and answer challenging questions?

Our next online Communications Workshop takes place: Wednesday 21st April 2021 and will be hosted by Wendy Grace.

The event will take place from 8.30PM – 9.30PM.

The event is free but pre-registration is essential. Participation is limited to 20 people.

Register here.

The Pro Life Campaign Needs YOU! - Please take our Change Begins With You! Survey

The Pro Life Campaign needs you! Your skills, knowledge and commitment can help us to work towards a brighter future.

Please take a moment to fill in our survey
 and remember - Change Begins With YOU!


Survey Link Here

The aim of this campaign is to encourage people to get involved with the PLC. We really need your help with this.

We are looking for some motivational videos and pictures. If you could take a few minutes today or tomorrow to do any of the following this would really help make a difference

TAKE A SHORT VIDEO of yourself (20 Seconds max) telling people why you are pro-life or your favourite pro-life quote and encouraging other people to get involved - finish with the words "Change begins with you"


TAKE A SELFIE of yourself holding up a homemade sign with the words "Change begins with You!"

Please text or whatsapp 0868246507, or send by email to 
[email protected]

APPLY NOW - Virtual Internship with the PLC

Would you like to experience working with a pro-active Human Rights organisation?

If you would like, APPLY HERE to our exciting virtual  intern programme for students!

Participants on the programme will have an opportunity to network with other young people and develop skills in advocacy, campaign management and project planning.

Internships run for one-week periods and are suitable for second level (Transition year or older) and third level students.

Each intern will do 4 hours supervised work each day and will be working on areas such as social media, contact with members of the movement nationwide, project planning and contributing to support work for women and their babies.

Internships are not paid, however expenses will be covered.

If you or a family member is interested, please complete the below form and we will be in touch with you presently. Placements are subject to availability. 

Thank you!


Apply Now by filling in the application form

Follow us on social media!

Vital Signs is the e-newsletter of the Pro Life Campaign. We hope you and your families are keeping well in these unusual times. This email is to update you on what we have been working on recently, including news stories, project updates, and details of upcoming events.  If you want to get in touch with us please do so by emailing [email protected]

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