Watch “1986 The Act” - Legalization of Death & Injury Through Vaccination
I finally watched Andy Wakefield’s film, 1986: The Act, which follows a pregnant couple as they wade through the backstory of how and why the vaccine industry was given legal immunity from the injuries and deaths their dangerous products cause. It’s yet another eye opener as to what an absolute cesspool of evil there is running the CDC, FDA, DOJ, vaccine industry, other regulatory agencies, elected officials and fake news media.
Numerous medical freedom activists are featured throughout the film, as well as are attorneys, elected officials and those who were directly involved in some way with the shaping or creation of the 1986 law Congress passed that shielded the vaccine industry from liability when their products injure or kill.
There is no such thing as too much information when it comes to vaccine information, and if you watch Andy’s film, you’ll get to see firsthand just how evil and corrupt these people really are. They don’t care about our children. In fact, it is glaringly obvious that “protection from disease” is actually extremely low on their priority list. This is all about money, and a LOT OF IT, for an industry that seeks to mandate it’s dangerous products onto the population knowing FULL WELL that those same products maim and kill on a regular basis. And in fact, the entire vaccine industry ALSO KNOWS that the unvaccinated are much healthier than the vaccinated.
No, this is not about health at all. This is about insane profiteering while literally destroying and dumbing down generation after generation with fraudulent products (fraud - does not confer immunity) to ensure control of the human race.
I’m adding in my own conjecture here about Andy’s film, but read between the lines when you watch it. Ask yourself WHY. Why are they hell bent on ensuring that the cover-up continues that their products cause autism, seizures, brain damage, death, asthma, allergies, ear infections, poor health, autoimmune conditions, etc., etc., while DEMANDING that the healthy vaccine free population be force vaccinated?
There’s only one reason and one reason only: the entire vaccine industry is straight out of the depths of death and hell and serve no true purpose on this planet except to do Satan’s work. That’s it.
Andy’s film is worth watching. And then sharing with everyone you know. Be outraged. Get involved. This is one way to do so. Watch the film and then share it.
~ Larry Cook